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[...] is a character-special file. [ -d FILE ] True if FILE exists and is a directory. [ -e FILE ] True if FILE exists. [ -f FILE ] True if FILE exists and is a [...]
[...] link Symlink can be tested with an if statement. The syntax is: [ -h FILE ] True if FILE exists and is a symbolic link. Example script: That’s the basics of links. Please leave a [...]
[...] Problem: moved to Sublime Text 3, the project selection is empty, what to do? Close Sublime Text (2 and 3, both) Open this file in TextMate (or any other editor) ~/Library/Application\ [...]
[...] file. I basically just brutally alphabetised everything. Funfact: you can alphabetise lines in Sublime Text by simply choosing the text and pressing F5. [...]
[...] to skip a word? Or go back one step. Here’s how to master the multiple selection in Sublime Text. Start by having a cursor on a word. If you’re on Windows or Linux just replace Cmd [...]
[...] From the SublimeLinter docs: Interactive code linting framework for Sublime Text 3 It’s a framework, not an actual working package, the constituent modules need to be [...]
[...] (heres how to do that), only zeptojs/dist/zepto.js is desired. Pop open the bower.json from the project root and define exportsOverride there, like this: It breaks down to: "zeptojs" the [...]
[...] programmatically, e.g. MySQL, NGinx, Node etc. These are specified in the Vagrantfile, in the project root and is usually done via provisioning tool like Puppet or Chef. Provisioners in Vagrant allow [...]
[...] files to the staging area Add all the changed files from all sub directories: If you’re in the project root, the previous command will add everything from all the directories. If you’re in, say, [...]
[...] Package Control. Custom configuration is fun and simple: just put .csscomb.json file in the project root or your HOME directory. Or define a custom location in CSScomb JS.sublime-settings file. Below [...]
[...] a hard link to name. If the command option -L is speci-fied, it is also true if the file is a symbolic link and points to name.” File_B – What to search Remove hard link The File_B_link persists, [...]
[...] FILE exists and is owned by the effective group ID. [ -L FILE ] True if FILE exists and is a symbolic link. [ -N FILE ] True if FILE exists and has been modified since it was last read. [ -S FILE ] [...]
[...] is a character-special file. [ -d FILE ] True if FILE exists and is a directory. [ -e FILE ] True if FILE exists. [ -f FILE ] True if FILE exists and is a [...]
[...] link Symlink can be tested with an if statement. The syntax is: [ -h FILE ] True if FILE exists and is a symbolic link. Example script: That’s the basics of links. Please leave a [...]
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