Cosmic shifts
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Man, oh man. When Sarah Addison Allen writes a world, I don't want to leave it. I have loved her writing since becoming enchanted by Garden Spells several...
In the realm of symbolism, I can understand meanings. Usually.If I'm paying attention. A delicate weaving of threads so light that they catch the morning...
Did you not hear me when I asked to hold your hand? I asked so loudly, without a sound, long trembling fingers stretched out, waiting for yours to wrap...
For one beautiful, intense week back at the end of April/beginning of May, I spent a lot of hours with a fascinating group of writers in North Carolina...
I'm a book lover. There I admitted it. It's the first step, right? I worked in the school library to get out of other classes. I once upon a time knew...
It's the small things that set me on edge. Feeling the wood footboard when I try to sleep face down, it just doesn't work until I turn sideways and am...
My life is in boxes, most of which are in storage. For how long? I don't know. It's frustrating and scary and upsetting. Moving three, or four, not even...
... running out of ink in my pen 22 pages into hand written notes in the middle of the next to last workshop at a writer's conference. My fingers had...
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[...] care of, or someone else needs something done. And right now I really have no room to be creative anyway. We share a space and have no separate areas to use for our own. I live in a town that has no [...]
[...] gone by the wayside. And since I'm not a breakfast eater and lunches are things-that-come-out-of-boxes-that-are-shelf-stable crap, my nourishment level is matching the lack-of nourishment from other [...]
[...] authors to delve into their works and appreciate more fully. I wholly appreciate The Florida Heritage Book Festival & Writer's Conference for putting together so much information to share with [...]
[...] F. Deaver, Lezlie Laws, Laura Lee Smith, Andrew Gross, Beverly Browning, Patricia Charpentier, DJ Niko, Lu Vickers & Bonnie Georgiadis, Andre R. Frattino, and Tim Dorsey over the course of three [...]
[...] like Philip F. Deaver, Lezlie Laws, Laura Lee Smith, Andrew Gross, Beverly Browning, Patricia Charpentier, DJ Niko, Lu Vickers & Bonnie Georgiadis, Andre R. Frattino, and Tim Dorsey over the [...]
[...] Lee Smith, Andrew Gross, Beverly Browning, Patricia Charpentier, DJ Niko, Lu Vickers & Bonnie Georgiadis, Andre R. Frattino, and Tim Dorsey over the course of three days at both the workshop and [...]
[...] . We heard from authors like Philip F. Deaver, Lezlie Laws, Laura Lee Smith, Andrew Gross, Beverly Browning, Patricia Charpentier, DJ Niko, Lu Vickers & Bonnie Georgiadis, Andre R. Frattino, and [...]
... running out of ink in my pen 22 pages into hand written notes in the middle of the next to last workshop at a writer's conference. My fingers had [...]
[...] care of, or someone else needs something done. And right now I really have no room to be creative anyway. We share a space and have no separate areas to use for our own. I live in a town that has no [...]
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