Drew and elle


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Drew and elle' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Drew and elle' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-crafted news inventory on the channel.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Drew and elle' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Drew and elle' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Drew and elle' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Drew and elle has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

The Prego Diary.

[...] being pregnant hasn't exactly helped that :) But, I have had quite a few strangers in the last couple of weeks ask when I'm due, so yay! I think it's more noticeable in person. So really, don' [...]

Projects, Planes, and Pictures, oh my!

[...] around here--or at least, some things have been happening, which was more than I can say of the last couple of months. We took a trip to California over Memorial Day weekend. Highlights of the trip [...]

I just love her.

[...] Being a mom has become so much more enjoyable over the last couple of months and here are a couple of reasons why: happier baby & better sleeper. She is my [...]


[...] 's birthday, the 18th is my Mom's birthday, and the 24th is my brother, Brennan's, birthday. Happy Birthday and we love you all! [...]

Happy 1st, Isla Girl!

[...] she (and we) have come in the past year! She is so spunky and fun, and we love her to pieces! Happy birthday, Isla girl. [...]

Isla Beth.

[...] still dilated to a 4, which is what I was at my appt, so the doctor said he'd give me a couple hours and see what happened. Since I wasn't 39 weeks til the next day, he technically couldn' [...]

Projects, Planes, and Pictures, oh my!

[...] yummy food! It was a really fun trip and very nice to get out of the house for longer than a couple hours! Isla did really well on the plane ride--she slept both ways!--which I was SO relieved about. [...]

I cannot be a mother and a blogger.

[...] go. I cannot wait for the beach and the weather forecast is simply lovely. We painted our kitchen chairs (well, Andrew did) a dark purple, and put mulch in our yard. Those were our home improvement [...]

Projects, Planes, and Pictures, oh my!

[...] blog), weeded & mulched our yard, made a curtain for the kitchen window, and painted our kitchen chairs a fun dark purple. Things are starting to come together even more, and our next project is a [...]

I cannot be a mother and a blogger.

[...] for general prolonged fussiness, it seems. We've tried everything from gripe water to the Miracle Blanket (which is actually pretty great), but of course there's no cure-all for it. So, I've learned [...]

Projects, Planes, and Pictures, oh my!

[...] smile. I think she started crying about 30 seconds after this. Wrapped in her "Miracle Blanket", ready for bed. We call her our little burrito. She actually seems to like it. [...]

Isla Beth.

[...] taken quite a long hiatus from blogging, but for good reason! We welcomed our little girl, Isla Beth Garlock, into the world on March 18th (my Mom's birthday!), and let's just say life has been a [...]

As of late...

[...] . I'm going to find some way to make it mine in the future... This weekend we started sleep training Isla--the whole crying it out method. After multiple nights of very little sleep and some advice [...]

?Key Phrases
The Prego Diary.

[...] being pregnant hasn't exactly helped that :) But, I have had quite a few strangers in the last couple of weeks ask when I'm due, so yay! I think it's more noticeable in person. So really, don' [...]

Projects, Planes, and Pictures, oh my!

[...] around here--or at least, some things have been happening, which was more than I can say of the last couple of months. We took a trip to California over Memorial Day weekend. Highlights of the trip [...]

I just love her.

[...] Being a mom has become so much more enjoyable over the last couple of months and here are a couple of reasons why: happier baby & better sleeper. She is my [...]

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