Each day an adventure in alaska


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Each day an adventure in alaska' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. In addition 'Each day an adventure in alaska' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Each day an adventure in alaska' Channel

with over 20 years in this amazing place. it's never dull. i hope to enjoy years of exploration here.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Each day an adventure in alaska' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers.



? Readability Level

'Each day an adventure in alaska' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are a smaller number of articles of intermediate readability.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



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WARIS had a good week...

[...] and close your eyes.  the ground is usually there though at times the landing may be a wee bit rough....just try not to hit your head.  the rest of you is easier to repair. beautiful [...]

braving the rain at crow creek mine...

[...] trailhead and took the dogs on a walk there.  it's pretty brushy out there and i was a wee bit scared that a big old bear would pop out.  none did though.  we had a pleasant walk. had [...]

sunrise, sunset....

[...] had a good time.  the "trail" wasn't looking any better.  we really could use a wee bit of snow. after our walk there we headed to Potters Marsh.  lots of people were out there [...]

Emily really is horrible...

[...] thing in life. just relaxing to head down here. would not go sledding here.  under that wee bit of snow is sheer ice.  a strip of ice down the hill is not covered by snow.  no sledders [...]

it's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing!! Happy Faces!!

[...] machine.  busier first 2 nights than the 3rd so i had a few minutes to work on some WARIS stuff.  writing some ideas for my next potential article.  today i continued working on WARIS [...]

post work headache day...

[...] . didn't sleep well between my first two shifts just because my brain was kicking around WARIS stuff.  that is how it goes. did get through my 3 shifts.  night one was an easy night in the adult [...]

don't hate me cause i love mushrooms....

[...] butterfly type?   2.  the kindness of strangers that step up and want to help with this WARIS stuff.  we are strangers no more  3.  that Rio felt up to walking with us today...always nice [...]

More from South Fork in Eagle River on a Rainy Day!!

[...] so when a place is green to the max i couldn't be happier!! often i feel with all this WARIS stuff i start down a  path that looks promising and then slam...there is the brick wall. will [...]

 a friend is leaving Alaska (AK...

[...] was happy with the night and any photo's that came out was just added fun. still had my Monday walk to wake up for today, so not too much sleep last night.  we are night owls anyway. TD, KP, MT, [...]

rainbows and moose...

[...] big jets take off. took Blossom and Rio and did the big loop that we do all winter for the Monday walk. no signs of bear activity.  we seemed to be going at a snails pace, thanks to Miss Rio, but [...]

just moosing around...

[...] and the walking. these moose above were on the side of the road as i drove back from the Monday walk yesterday. these are back to powerline moose. just need to take deep breath and email the [...]

just another day at the beach!

[...] done and should get to bed at a reasonable hour. gotta get my TB test read tomorrow before the Monday walk. Pogi spent some time in this box while i loaded pictures last night.  he's so cute. quite a [...]

the Monday walk happens!!

[...] been saved from myself.  my netflix on my ipad seems to be not working at this time so no more Gilmore Girls for me...probably out of streaming time...or nearly out anyway so i suspect this is a good [...]

crab meat...

[...] the most comfy place.  elevation and watching "The Big Bang" and "the Gilmore Girls" at my nieces suggestion.  so far i am getting sucked into that fun and quirky [...]

walked to the mailbox and back..

[...] at lights on the way back...always fun! i'll turn in pretty soon. am on season 2 of Gilmore Girls.  i mix it up with old Big Bang reruns.  Happy Lorelie didn't marry the teacher...NGB... [...]

out and about....PT begins

[...] are always so pretty.  everyone does a great job out there!! my ipad stopped mid episode of Gilmore Girls.  i think in the end i had totally killed the battery.  i'm told by the mac folks that some [...]

Snow in Denali NP and a sobering drive home..

[...] beauty but it was also tiring and emotional i think.  head back to work again tonight. thankful fors...1.  clearly that my car was not involved in an accident and my travel was safe.  2. [...]

a little of this, a little of that....

[...] . talk about going out with a bang!! even the ferns find a way to express themselves. thankful fors...A.  that the vomiting stopped and that GI bugs tend to be short lived B.  that even if i can' [...]

my desk is messier now...

[...] best if you use gloves.  i guess i will have a marked hand for a week or so . oops!! thankful fors...1.  that the older guy i chat with on the trails is feeling good and recovering [...]

sunshine and puppies!!

[...] noticed it. best be off to stuff envelopes...keep looking outside to see if any lights appear. thankful fors... A. puppies...they always make you smile B.  chicken saltimboca...yes, i actually made a [...]

a stroll around Cheney Lake

[...] went home a wee bit early that night...i think maybe 4:30 am.  first they sent me to the adult icu to take patients, but they didn't end up needing me so home i went.  grabbed an ice bag [...]

and so i lied...

[...] for fear i would end up in the ER before the night was through. spent some time in the adult icu and the cardiac unit these past few days.   i tend to have a new assignment every night [...]

Denali Highway...Fall 2014!!

[...] 't think it lasted though. got my usual late start today.  3 nights of work...all in the adult ICU.  that place has been hopping of late.  overall good co-workers...the second night there [...]

ice bubbles/designs, mostly Cheney Lake

[...]  Happy to have a few days off.  this week i worked one in the adult icu and then the next two nights in the ER.  those rumors about places going nuts on a full moon are [...]

sunsets...and i head back to work tomorrow...

[...] is as important as our birth.  how we come into the world and how we leave the world. my massage therapist was saying that her brother has passed when she was fairly young, a teen.  the night he [...]

planes, moose and a bird of prey...

[...] is like one big knot.  thinking i should try and get a massage scheduled. hope my massage therapist hasn't gone out on maternity leave yet. should get her a little prezzie too. perhaps i' [...]

beach sunday...

[...] that knowledge.  hopefully, i'll figure it out. signed up for a massage the day my massage therapist comes off of maternity leave in January.  wrote notes in my phone.  will have to try [...]

left sunshine for rain...

[...] .  Monday walk and later, PT at 4:30 followed by another massage at 6:30.  late night for my massage therapist i guess. i shall leave you with the sunset... thankful for: the kind people that you [...]

Bear in the woods, moose in the woods and a whole lot of mushrooms!!

[...] up out there as well.  she lives close by and she loves to go out there. a few bull moose sightings.  how can i ever get bored of my moose sightings.  lots of tourists head over there to [...]

autumn is the time of incredible beauty...

[...] i figure i've donated enough to merit a sticker. there is my girl again...so cute. no moose sightings and i never saw a moose on this run of the Denali Highway. clearly a hawk of some sort, [...]

first monday walk of the season

[...] the sunset.  it was pretty out there. liked the look through the trees. was looking for some moose sightings but didn't see any. was worried about whether something had changed on the web site but we [...]

purging papers is always fun!

[...] if i can find some twigs that i can write WALRUS ROCK with. so two days of bog walks.  no moose sightings.  strange.  i think they are taking advantage the lack of snow and enjoying foraging in [...]

mostly sunset

[...] work out sore not knee sore so that is good. after my PT today i headed to the pool.  i was cleared for pool time.  took it easy today alternated 2 laps with [...]

hate to waste old tea...

[...] . love wispy clouds like the ones we had out there today.  so pretty. was supposed to have PT today but i cancelled it.  now i'm just scheduled for a final one on Feb 6, the following Monday [...]

out and about....PT begins

[...] of trekking poles so perhaps tomorrow i will try my "walk" with those instead. i had PT today.  it's a bit of a drive, but worth it i think.  they were recommended by a friend, KP and they [...]

a little touch of heaven..

[...] at the crutch walking thing.  would like to get off of those fast. spent my work week in Peds icu.  always so strange anymore to have the same patients for more than one night or more than a few [...]

sunshine and puppies!!

[...] be a dream trip for me, but not everyone sees the world the same way. work this week..ER, Peds icu and then back to adult icu to run a continuous dialysis.  it's never dull at that place. [...]

a stroll around Cheney Lake

[...] fear.  thankfully, they also had helmets. survived 3 nights of work.  pediatrics, ER and then Peds icu.  the most tiring was ER.  thankfully, in the end i went home a wee bit early that night...i [...]

?Key Phrases
WARIS had a good week...

[...] and close your eyes.  the ground is usually there though at times the landing may be a wee bit rough....just try not to hit your head.  the rest of you is easier to repair. beautiful [...]

braving the rain at crow creek mine...

[...] trailhead and took the dogs on a walk there.  it's pretty brushy out there and i was a wee bit scared that a big old bear would pop out.  none did though.  we had a pleasant walk. had [...]

sunrise, sunset....

[...] had a good time.  the "trail" wasn't looking any better.  we really could use a wee bit of snow. after our walk there we headed to Potters Marsh.  lots of people were out there [...]

Emily really is horrible...

[...] thing in life. just relaxing to head down here. would not go sledding here.  under that wee bit of snow is sheer ice.  a strip of ice down the hill is not covered by snow.  no sledders [...]

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