E11even Dental


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'E11even Dental' channel has quite a good rank and belongs to Dentistry category. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. In addition 'E11even Dental' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'E11even Dental' Channel

Awarded best practice London & UK

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'E11even Dental' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'E11even Dental' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'E11even Dental' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately E11even Dental has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

National Smile Month

[...] National Smile Month is here! 19 May – 19 June will see the 2014 programme of the UK’s largest and longest- [...]

National Smile Month – The Color Run

[...] The Team at e11even is marking National Smile Month by taking part in the Color Run – the Happiest 5k on the Planet – which takes place in [...]

Open Evening at Elleven

[...] practice, meet the Team and ask questions about any dental and orthodontics issues. National Smile Month starts that week so it seems the perfect time to open the doors! We know that an [...]

What your teeth say about you…

[...] and confidence. The Smile Transformation competition that we ran last year for National Smile Month really highlighted how the state of someone’s teeth can affect their entire sense [...]

Cut down on Sugar!

[...] as it is a global study and shows how lack of access to sugar in 1940s Japan hugely reduced tooth decay and how, on the other hand, 92% of Americans have had some tooth decay as a result of their [...]

Oral health education: does responsibility lie with schools or parents?

[...] oral health to their children after it was revealed that one in eight UK children have tooth decay. Oral health and looking after teeth is ultimately education driven and as a parent, if you [...]

The Benefits of Braces

[...] fitted for yourself or your children also has many health benefits. For children it can reduce tooth decay and it is never too late to have orthodontic treatment and it should be considered by adults [...]

The Happiest 5k on the Planet – Elleven Team Smiled all the way!!!

[...] this happy 5k event in National Smile Month to raise money for our charity partner, Smile Train. Shirovi, Sameer and Shivani’s four year old daughter – came along too and loved [...]

Number 10 to Number 11

[...] Last week, Sameer, Shivani, Anthony, Agata and Louise were thrilled to be guests of Smile Train at a special reception at Number 10 Downing Street. The event was to celebrate the one [...]

National Smile Month – The Color Run

[...] will be running, smiling and getting covered in paint to raise money for our charity partner, Smile Train. Smile Train is an amazing charity that enables life-changing cleft procedures in the [...]

Dr Sameer Patel on Sky News

[...] face tests, following concern a dentist had not been sterilising equipment properly, Dr Sameer Patel was invited onto Sky News to give his opinion on the topic. Read more here: http://news.sky. [...]

The Benefits of Braces

[...] teeth as a preventive measure to allow them to retain their own teeth into old age. Here, Dr Sameer Patel, our Clinical Director offers his advice on how orthodontics can prevent a build-up of [...]

Oral health education: does responsibility lie with schools or parents?

[...] Dr Sameer Patel, Clinical Director at Elleven, discusses the importance of parents promoting oral health to [...]

Dental Phobia

[...] survey also highlights that despite our teeth being a key attribute to our appearance, oral health is often overlooked. People in their twenties were found to have the worst dental hygiene [...]

Oral health education: does responsibility lie with schools or parents?

[...] Dr Sameer Patel, Clinical Director at Elleven, discusses the importance of parents promoting oral health to their children after it was revealed that one in eight UK children have tooth decay. Oral [...]

National Smile Month

[...] is here! 19 May – 19 June will see the 2014 programme of the UK’s largest and longest-running oral health campaign. National Smile Month promotes three key messages, all of which go a long way in [...]

Dental Phobia

[...] , oral health is often overlooked. People in their twenties were found to have the worst dental hygiene with 41% admitting that they haven’t visited the dentist since their teenage years. 38% of [...]

The Benefits of Braces

[...] need for uncomfortable treatments. 2.       Combat the causes of gingivitis Complications in dental hygiene caused by crooked teeth and overcrowding can also impact on the health of the gums. [...]

Oral health education: does responsibility lie with schools or parents?

[...] Specialist at Elleven, Dr Shivani Patel has been into several schools to talk about dental hygiene as part of their PSHE programme. The children respond very positively to an outside expert [...]

National Smile Month – The Color Run

[...] reception staff will be running, smiling and getting covered in paint to raise money for our charity partner, Smile Train. Smile Train is an amazing charity that enables life-changing cleft procedures [...]

The Happiest 5k on the Planet – Elleven Team Smiled all the way!!!

[...] . We had chosen this happy 5k event in National Smile Month to raise money for our charity partner, Smile Train. Shirovi, Sameer and Shivani’s four year old daughter – came along too  [...]

Number 10 to Number 11

[...] Street. The event was to celebrate the one millionth cleft operation performed by our charity partner and was hosted by Samantha Cameron. Sameer and Shivani had a short chat with Samantha [...]

What your teeth say about you…

[...] she gets a beautiful, healthy smile and we helped all the finalists to overcome their dental phobia and find treatment closer to home. Let’s hope this debate throws a spotlight on dental [...]

Dental Phobia

[...] which is still a straight forward treatment and this will build your confidence. The post Dental Phobia appeared first on elleven. [...]

National Smile Month

[...] of Wedding Ideas offers brides-to-be the opportunity to get their dream wedding smile at Elleven Sameer has given his top tips for looking after babies’ teeth at Gurgle Our Summer Party in June [...]

?Key Phrases
National Smile Month

[...] National Smile Month is here! 19 May – 19 June will see the 2014 programme of the UK’s largest and longest- [...]

National Smile Month – The Color Run

[...] The Team at e11even is marking National Smile Month by taking part in the Color Run – the Happiest 5k on the Planet – which takes place in [...]

Open Evening at Elleven

[...] practice, meet the Team and ask questions about any dental and orthodontics issues. National Smile Month starts that week so it seems the perfect time to open the doors! We know that an [...]

What your teeth say about you…

[...] and confidence. The Smile Transformation competition that we ran last year for National Smile Month really highlighted how the state of someone’s teeth can affect their entire sense [...]

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