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We transfered our Egomania and Stolle & Member bandcamp Site into one emptyblaukraut bandcamp page. You will find us here: https://emptyblaukraut...
Hello again, this time I will introduce to you "Planet Ego Drone Orchestra", an Egomania Record from 2003. I made the first piece called "I Am Flying...
Early Electronics. This is a 2 CD Compilation out of six or seven, where I collected my earliest adventures in electronic music. The Journey starts in...
Listen to the legendary Slow Album by Egomania. Cosmic Analog Electronic 90`s Space Journey. Members Tribute to Klaus Schulze & The Cosmic Jokers...
Member is playing with his mates of "Der Berg Groovt" at the "Monotone Music Dialogue" Festival in Pristina, Kosovo. Have fun with this tour documentary...
It was twenty years ago today... To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Stolle & Member, we met at Member's place last autumn, and we smoked a lot...
This is the new single of Stolle & Member emerged right out of the soundcheck to our latest live concert at Members Ride into the half century Birthday...
A brand new Egomania EP called Autmn. Member recorded these new tracks through his new 15 watt tube Ashdown bass amp to reach new sonic depths. He was...
Some day in the future we will Reclaim the Internet but meanwhile evrything is down again but we are alive and well and kicking!!!!
Unfortunately Emptyblaukraut has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] Ax Genrich & The Whole Live at Dreikönigskeller 2011 The Whole - Drown The Soul in Noise 2012 Egomania [...]
[...] Here we have a first impression of our gig with Damo Suzuki and Ax Genrich last saturday in Offenbach more videos and recordings will follow. This is the second track [...]
This was the centerpiece of the evening. The Fourth Track a nearly 40 minute free flow in E. Three clips on youtube filmed by Conni "Lava 303" Maly: [...]
And here are the recordings from this great evening and Krautrock Happening. Our own multitrack recording didn't work this evening and our stereomic r [...]
[...] Network Festival in Würzburg. This time we played without the help of krautrock legends like Damo Suzuki or Ax Genrich and we proofed to be a very cosmic and energetic force. The Band was: Stolle - [...]
[...] Here we have a first impression of our gig with Damo Suzuki and Ax Genrich last saturday in Offenbach more videos and recordings will follow. This is the [...]
[...] Tracks, Wild Experiments, Cosmic Music and kinky grooves. you will find it all here. Enjoy Luv Member [...]
[...] picture you can see the recording setting. This is EXPERIMENTAL ACID CORE! You be warned. Enjoy Luv Member [...]
[...] 40 minute free flow in E. Three clips on youtube filmed by Conni "Lava 303" Maly: enjoy luv member [...]
[...] external mics and he did a good job. This 2 1/2 hours good and free energy. Get it here. enjoy luv Member [...]
[...] Hello people! We just came back from an 8-day-stay at the Reuschberg Academy, the place where it all began. We did 3 workshops in a row and recorded 46 pieces of music [...]
[...] multitrackrecording is the result of a concept which aimed to feature the chapel of the Reuschberg Academy prominently. It was almost 20 years ago when Lay De Fear made their first sessions in this [...]
[...] listeners, today we continue posting music we recorded last autumn during our workshop at Reuschberg Academy with our most beloved project MIRG. This time you get live improvisations recorded at the [...]
[...] to this orgy of sound, the unbelievable Live Concert of Astrosound. You will find it here. enjoy member [...]
[...] fun on your Journey through Astrosound Territory.... You will find the space monster here. Enjoy Member [...]
[...] and welcome to zippyshare luv to everyone and a great new year we will be back soon luv & enjoy Member [...]
I got two trashy new toys, a Korg Monotribe & a Korg Monotron. Here is the very first trash recording with these toys, called "Der Sinn Der Gerä [...]
[...] this thing. After doing a basic drone on my Toy-Keyboard I established a groove with the Korg Monotribe, then messed around with the oscillators, went on to do two vocal loops and finally did a [...]
[...] I got two trashy new toys, a Korg Monotribe & a Korg Monotron. Here is the very first trash recording with these toys, called " [...]
[...] We're back with some new stuff from our vaults. At first some Egomania Recordings, also in waiting is more from the Stolle & Member 2010 Recordings. And we prepare some [...]
[...] also features my new korg pocket synthesizer. Side B, Down, comes from the first session of Ralf und Stolle, a new project. Ralf is an old friend from my hometown who started making music recently and [...]
[...] at the kitchen as well as in the chapel (the grass is always greener, dylan, no tears and MIRG Basar), heavily edited by Stolle who has worked his way through hours of stuff. As always, everybody [...]
[...] Ax Genrich & The Whole Live at Dreikönigskeller 2011 The Whole - Drown The Soul in Noise 2012 Egomania [...]
[...] Here we have a first impression of our gig with Damo Suzuki and Ax Genrich last saturday in Offenbach more videos and recordings will follow. This is the second track [...]
This was the centerpiece of the evening. The Fourth Track a nearly 40 minute free flow in E. Three clips on youtube filmed by Conni "Lava 303" Maly: [...]
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