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I just released a Localytics native extension for AIR. It’s available on github https://github.com/randori/ANE-Localytics . This version supports...
As far as I know I was the first guy to bring iOS push notifications for Adobe AIR, but that was almost six months ago. Since then I saw few guys able...
Here’s another AIR native extension for iOS I’m currently working on – Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) support. It’s almost...
In this tutorial I will show how to create an iOS native extension for Adobe AIR. My extension enables sending an e-mail by invoking MFMailComposeViewController...
When newest version of Adobe AIR came out I needed to give it a try, of course. It has been a while since I’ve done some coding in AIR, beacause...
Today Adobe released preview version of Flex ‘Hero’ optimized for mobile devices and a preview version of next version of Flash Builder &ndash...
To illustrate the workflow of developing Android apps in Adobe Air I created a very simple application that can react to screen orientation changes, gestures...
Since July 2010 I’ve been playing with Adobe AIR for Android. I got the prerelease version of the runtime and started investigating the new APIs...
Recently, I was building a cms driven (Drupal 6 to be precise) website and faced the problem of detecting whether the content of TextField or TFL TextFlow...
Newest experiment using Jiglibflash and Away3DLite, requires Flash Player 10. The speed boost in comparison to PV3D and FP9 version of Jiglib is unbelieveable...
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