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I abandoned my last writing project in December 2019. It started life as a psychological thriller set in the near-future, and ended life as a satire set...
I’ve been living my life more completely online over the last four months than at any time previously. It’s been an acceleration of existing trends rather...
Every now and then something turns out a different way from how you’d hoped. Disappointment is such a 2020 vibe. But get past the initial disappointment...
Each morning during lockdown I have made time to write before work. And now, much like parts of lockdown, I have reached the end. As the grip of the...
I have an article in Issue #24 of Like the Wind. The story behind this piece sticks in my mind for two reasons. Firstly, it was an early statement of...
Every now and then there’s an unexpected reminder: there but for the grace of god go I. I have a regular cycle route. A neat 14-mile loop that takes...
Here we are, again. If you read nothing else, read this excellent piece by Gary Younge on systemic inequality in the UK and US, and the protest against...
The past few months I’ve existed over a smaller area than in many, many years. Life has vacuum packed itself to – at best – a square mile. It has contorted...
Do you feel a restlessness? That sense you’re waiting for something – anything – to happen and yet, still, each day passes the same as the last. The rapid...
You can only fight a battle on so many fronts. Every front requires contact with the enemy, and every contact with the enemy entails friction. Too many...
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