Honey Badger Radio
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Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with researcher and streamer Becca, AKA Bx. We will be talking about some things that might get us in trouble...
Last week we discussed how biologically different women were from women today in ancient times when we didn’t have the luxury of tools to do all of our...
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with Youtuber, streamer and political commentator FabianLiberty. Fabian once claimed that the manosphere is basically...
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss a woman who was driven to a murderous craze caused by the...
Join us on a special as we respond to a special request reaction where old head of the internet Jordan Owen spergs on Gamergate 2, Donald Trump and the...
Join us on Maintaining Frame as we look at the absolute state of the "manosphere" represented by people who don't really understand it.
In discussing the history of male suffrage and its link to the history of male military obligation, I realized there’s an aspect of this history we’re...
Join us on Badgerpod GamerGate as we talk with you on X Spaces and discuss the news including boycotts, community managers, entryism and more!
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we have 5 stories that are so shocking you won't believe it! News regarding...
Join us on Maintaining Frame as we look at a growing movement of men and what they are up to.
Join us on the rantzerker where women hating men hating women hating men is the new normal
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[...] Honey Badger Radio: Being Badger (Honey Badger "Bring It" Detroit Conference Fundraiser http:// [...]
[...] as we discuss the topic of veteran suicide. Show Notes Become a Patreon (do a search for Honey Badger Radio.) [...]
[...] throats. But we, in the west, didn’t care until girls were kidnapped. Join us on Honey Badger Radio as we discuss “Men and Boys: The Acceptable Victims of Violence.” For more info: [...]
[...] male”… he is now the face of men’s rights in the main stream media. Join us tonight on Honey Badger Radio as we discuss Elliot Rodger, the new face of men’s rights. Show Page Show Notes [...]
[...] The Badgers discuss, race fail, feminist standpoint theory, and Karen reads us a story. http://blog. [...]
[...] The Badgers discuss The Big Lebowski, Ancillary Justice, and Female Ghostbusters. http://honeybadgerbrigade.com/ [...]
[...] The Badgers discuss, Watchmen, Big Bang Theory, and #GamerGate. http://wp.me/p4Tlez-n6 [...]
[...] The Badgers discuss #GamerGate with special guests Christian Chisson from TFI and Matthew Rappard of the Fine [...]
[...] that men be human shields for women… well, that’s just the way it should be. Join the honey badgers tonight as we discuss The Craven Cliven Bundy. Show Notes [...]
[...] in a hole and poop on it. But are we really that bad? I jest. Of course we are! Join the Honey Badgers as we discuss the press coverage for the International Men’s Issues Conference and do [...]
[...] and providers. We're all left wondering, what can be done to bridge the divide? Join the Honey Badgers as we discuss relationships. [...]
[...] system allows bias to cancel reason, and innocent people are thrown in jail? Join the Honey Badgers as we discuss, Due Process rights. Also with us today is Buttermancer who has been [...]
Works covered: Archer, Adventure time, Invincible, The Day the Laughter Stopped, Game of Thrones. Show Notes Donations and general frippery. Tis a [...]
The Badgers discuss Over the Garden Wall, Donnie Darko, and Black Dynamite. http://wp.me/p4Tlez-rkX [...]
The Badgers discus Metalgate, Gawker's recent shenanigans, and Dragon-con's game panels. http://wp.me/p4Tlez-vZX [...]
SHOW NOTES: http://youtu.be/1jtilB-TnPM [...]
[...] The Honey Badgers discuss #UnfollowAMan #WomenAgainstFeminism and unfathomably stupid things uttered by feminists. [...]
[...] The Honey Badgers discuss The Sarkeesian effect with special guests Jordan Owen and Davis Aurini. http://wp.me/ [...]
[...] The Honey Badgers discuss #Shirtstorm, Jodi Arias, manspreading, and Time.com's word ban poll. http:// [...]
The Badgers discuss the Bill Cosby Rape allegations. http://honeybadgerbrigade.com/radio/badger-cave-bill-cosby/ [...]
The Badger once again discuss Bill Cosby and the allegations against him. http://honeybadgerbrigade.com/radio/badger-cave-bill-cosby-and-the-quest-fo [...]
The Badgers interview Sage Gerard, of KSU Men. http://honeybadgerbrigade.com/radio/badger-cave-mens-issues-student-activism-with-sage-gerard-founder- [...]
A podcast just for gamer culture. Nerdery within nerdery. [...]
All things Gamey. And lots of things comiccy too. [...]
[...] Honey Badger Radio: Being Badger (Honey Badger "Bring It" Detroit Conference Fundraiser http:// [...]
[...] as we discuss the topic of veteran suicide. Show Notes Become a Patreon (do a search for Honey Badger Radio.) [...]
[...] throats. But we, in the west, didn’t care until girls were kidnapped. Join us on Honey Badger Radio as we discuss “Men and Boys: The Acceptable Victims of Violence.” For more info: [...]
[...] male”… he is now the face of men’s rights in the main stream media. Join us tonight on Honey Badger Radio as we discuss Elliot Rodger, the new face of men’s rights. Show Page Show Notes [...]
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