IOS Developer Tips
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Andrea Bizzotto, the creator of, wrote an excellent article on the virtues of building applications with Flutter. If you are an...
I’ve been developing mobile applications since 2001, with a focus on iOS beginning in 2008. With all the technologies I’ve seen come and go, Google’s...
When attempting to build an existing project with Xcode 10 beta 3 I received the following errors: [crayon-5b3f0e29b18bb236899790/] Although not a long...
Creating a video of your iOS app running in the Xcode simulator is as simple running the following from a terminal on macOs: xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo...
In Swift, protocol-oriented programming is in fashion. There’s a lot of Swift code out there that’s “protocol-oriented”, some open-source libraries even...
Ben Dietzkis does a really nice walk-through on his journey in creating an animation similar to the image below: Ben touches upon a number of topics including...
Topics covered include the Swift ErrorProtocol; coding with result types; throwing, propagating and handling errors; and a brief look at error handling...
Given the question: “I’ve come across a situation a number of times where I write code that has to try something one or more times using a `repeat…while...
A few thoughts on working with lazy properties in Swift. Should Lazy Variables Always Be Used? from swift via @andrewcbancroft
Sliding menu control for iOS apps written in Swift. The interface has a few customization options and works with or without Storyboards. SlideMenuControllerSwift...
Interested to support multiple platforms with a single code base? In this post, I’d like to show you how to create a Swift framework for iOS, watchOS...
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But you may check out related channels listed below.
Appsee is an advanced visual mobile analytics platform that enables app developers and publishers to measure, understand and improve the user experien [...]
Stanford University has updated their popular iOS programming courses focusing on Swift (versus Objective-C): “Stanford University’s iOS programmi [...]
I’m a big fan of open source UI projects, no better way to learn new tricks. Cameron Klein is the author of one such project, CKRadialMenu, a radial [...]
As an iOS developer, you have a skill set that’s highly sought after by today’s most innovative companies. Leverage your unique position with Hire [...]
[...] Nate Cook does an excellent job detailing all the steps required for printing from an iOS device. This [...]
[...] Nate Cook explores the mysterious ~> operator in Swift. One caveat: “I wouldn’t advise anyone to use [...]
[...] Nate Cook on ranking of programming language popularity (data from redmonk): “…the only other language [...]
[...] Nate Cook covers the significant changes that accompany Swift 1.2: “…incremental builds, improved error [...]
[...] Nick Hanan describes how to create custom operators in Swift. Nick includes code examples for prefix, postfix and infix operators. Food for thought: “Custom operators can make code [...]
[...] Greg Heo does a thorough review (with code examples) of the latest beta release of Swift, version 1.2: “I’ll highlight the most significant [...]
Nate Cook covers the significant changes that accompany Swift 1.2: “…incremental builds, improved error messages and stability in Xcode, static cl [...]
[...] Warren Moore in his series Metal by Example: “In this article, we will discuss an important technique for [...]
[...] Warren Moore, a former Apple Engineer, has a passion for the Metal framework. In this video presentation [...]
[...] Warren Moore continues his series on coding with Metal on iOS: “In this post, we’ll explore a couple of [...]
Appsee is an advanced visual mobile analytics platform that enables app developers and publishers to measure, understand and improve the user experien [...]
Stanford University has updated their popular iOS programming courses focusing on Swift (versus Objective-C): “Stanford University’s iOS programmi [...]
I’m a big fan of open source UI projects, no better way to learn new tricks. Cameron Klein is the author of one such project, CKRadialMenu, a radial [...]
As an iOS developer, you have a skill set that’s highly sought after by today’s most innovative companies. Leverage your unique position with Hire [...]
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