ITech BB


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'ITech BB' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'ITech BB' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'ITech BB' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'ITech BB' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'ITech BB' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately ITech BB has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Which One is Best? – Apple iPad or Android Tablet

[...] expensive too. All the critics and experts who have analyzed both the products say that, some Android tablet from Motorola, Samsung, outclasses the iPad on various comparisons. Android tablets like [...]

Which One is Best? – Apple iPad or Android Tablet

[...] expensive too. All the critics and experts who have analyzed both the products say that, some Android tablet from Motorola, Samsung, outclasses the iPad [...] [...]

Apple to Bring 3D Maps to iOS Devices

[...] ” on an iPad: Click here to view the embedded video. Today you have Apple’s latest iOS devices with their custom chips A4 and A5 running at excellent top speeds so it only makes sense to [...]

Hidden Feature in iOS 5: Android Like Auto-correction Bar for iPhone

[...] Apple’s new iOS 5 has added many features and improvements to iOS devices. According to the Apple facts, there are more than 200 new features has been added to the iOS 5. [...]

Hidden Feature in iOS 5: Android Like Auto-correction Bar for iPhone

[...] Apple’s new iOS 5 has added many features and improvements to iOS devices. According to the Apple facts, there are more than 200 new features has been added to the iOS 5. [...]

Apple to Bring 3D Maps to iOS Devices

It was recently found that Apple had acquired two small mapping companies i.e. Placebase and Poly9 in the last twenty four months. According to Mark G [...]

3 Useful Android Tablets Available in Market

[...] Android tablets are fast becoming popular especially among the business class due to the awesome features [...]

3 Useful Android Tablets Available in Market

[...] Android tablets are fast becoming popular especially among the business class due to the awesome features [...]

Which One is Best? – Apple iPad or Android Tablet

[...] that, some Android tablet from Motorola, Samsung, outclasses the iPad on various comparisons. Android tablets like Motorola Xoom and Samsung Galaxy 10.1, are much lighter in size and weight. They also [...]

Apple to Bring 3D Maps to iOS Devices

[...] months. According to Mark Gurman who reports for 9 – 5 Mac, Apple has also acquired C3 Technologies. The company specializes in developing 3D maps by using data that comes from declassified [...]

Apple to Bring 3D Maps to iOS Devices

[...] months. According to Mark Gurman who reports for 9 – 5 Mac, Apple has also acquired C3 Technologies. The company specializes in developing 3D maps by using data that comes from declassified [...]

Apple’s iOS Developers Program: Develop your Own iPhone Apps

[...] Developing your own iPhone apps is an easy process but same time it can be time consuming and will end up costing you some [...]

Gartner’s Q3 2011 Report: Apple Begins to Lose Market Share to Android Phones

According to a new report from the research company Gartner, the worldwide phone sales for the third quarter of 2011 shows that Apple has started to l [...]

Gartner’s Q3 2011 Report: Apple Begins to Lose Market Share to Android Phones

According to a new report from the research company Gartner, the worldwide phone sales for the third quarter of 2011 shows that Apple has started to l [...]

Apple and LG may be working on mini iPad & iPhone with 4-inch Screen [Rumor]

There are rumors that Apple is working on a 4 inch iPhone as well as a 7 inch iPad rightfully termed the mini. At ComputerWorld the reports are that A [...]

Apple and LG may be working on mini iPad & iPhone with 4-inch Screen [Rumor]

There are rumors that Apple is working on a 4 inch iPhone as well as a 7 inch iPad rightfully termed the mini. At ComputerWorld the reports are that A [...]

3 Useful Android Tablets Available in Market

Android tablets are fast becoming popular especially among the business class due to the awesome features with which companies have equipped them. The [...]

3 Useful Android Tablets Available in Market

Android tablets are fast becoming popular especially among the business class due to the awesome features with which companies have equipped them. The [...]

?Key Phrases
Which One is Best? – Apple iPad or Android Tablet

[...] expensive too. All the critics and experts who have analyzed both the products say that, some Android tablet from Motorola, Samsung, outclasses the iPad on various comparisons. Android tablets like [...]

Which One is Best? – Apple iPad or Android Tablet

[...] expensive too. All the critics and experts who have analyzed both the products say that, some Android tablet from Motorola, Samsung, outclasses the iPad [...] [...]

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