I lick paste
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How does this work again?! I didn't stop making things last year, I just stopped sharing them with you. I blame Pinterest, Stupid Zombies, Stupid Zombies...
When I bought my house, I decided to have a red library. Like blood red. Murder red. That project required lots of heavy handed removal of some pretty...
Acrylic blues for the background. For the wording, I printed it out on regular copy paper, cut each word out, modge podged it down and sharpied the lines...
To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to...
Stupid uploader! So here's what it says: When you get what you want in your struggle for self, and the world makes you king for the day, just go to...
Craftwood 1" balls with 1/2" holes - from Joann's Acrylic paint: red, two coats Acrylic paint: white, five good-size spots around the ball (Two coats...
I have been seeing nothing but pallet and mason jar ideas on Pinterest lately. Having an unlimited supply of pallets available to me, I thought I'd try...
Get yourself a wee bit of dish soap. And God's gift to ears. Food coloring. A dish full of whole milk. Don't use skim or 2% - it won't work. Don...
This is my purple iris. I'm a huge fan of macro pictures. I love taking them. I love finding intricate details in everyday normal things. The prospective...
But little canvases of tea cups are cheap. $1 at Michael's. (I think) Cover that stupid cup up! Then miss the pink, and paint it pink again with some...
Blank envelope. Check. Snip. Snip snip snip. TA DA! **snickers** I totally did How did you know?! Super cheap. Super easy. Bookmarks that slide...
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[...] But little canvases of tea cups are cheap. $1 at Michael's. (I think) Cover that stupid cup up! Then miss the pink, and paint it [...]
[...] Glue is KING) a picture hanger onto the back. Nice and centered. 3.) Pick a pretty color of acrylic paint (or two, or three). 4.) Paint your tile. Cover it nice and thick (trust me, two layers is much [...]
[...] Craftwood 1" balls with 1/2" holes - from Joann's Acrylic paint: red, two coats Acrylic paint: white, five good-size spots around the ball (Two coats on those too) Half inch dowel, cut [...]
[...] . I made my kid get out of the Delaware River. I made no excuses. I made a potato tower. I made Oreo truffles that looked like poo. I made this all better. I made spicy green beans. I made this into [...]
[...] my phone and pulled pictures of what I made. Here's a brief (Just kidding - this is the LONGEST POST IN HISTORY!) photo summary of "what I made in 2012!" I made some cute spoon markers for [...]
[...] Blank envelope. Check. Snip. Snip snip snip. TA DA! **snickers** I totally did How did you know?! Super cheap. Super easy. Bookmarks that [...]
[...] . 7.) When you're finished scratching, brush off all of the flecks of paint. 8.) Find some acrylic sealant and spray a coat over the tile. 9.) Wait for it to dry and find the perfect 11 year old to [...]
[...] Craftwood 1" balls with 1/2" holes - from Joann's Acrylic paint: red, two coats Acrylic paint: white, five good-size spots around the ball (Two coats on [...]
[...] But little canvases of tea cups are cheap. $1 at Michael's. (I think) Cover that stupid cup up! Then miss the pink, and paint it [...]
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