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According to the data and stats that were collected, '' channel has an outstanding rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About '' Channel

Exhortations Towards The Coming Biblical Heavenly Kingdom

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



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Unfortunately has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Yahushua Melchizedek : The Implications of His Davidic and Zadok Heritage To Und...

[...] Gospel.mp3 In this discussion we overview the Davidic and Zadok heritage of Yahushua Melchizedek, YHVH’s Great Redeemer, through his mother Miriam, and how this heritage is part of His [...]

Prof Rachel Elior – Public Lecture At The Divinity School, Chicago University on...

[...] calendar, the Maccabean period and the 160 years immediately prior to the coming of Yahushua Melchizedek are extremely significant to understand precisely how the Pharisee/Rabbinics gained [...]

The Continuity Of Biblical Authority From Moses To Yahushua Melchizedek and His ...

[...] doctrine. It is a very important matter that should concern every sincere believer in Yahushua Melchizedek in these days. Yahushua warned his people in the last days need to be very alert and to [...]

What Calendar Did Yahushua Keep – Whose Report Will We Believe? (Published Sept ...

[...] first sliver new moon (Sadducee /Karaite) religious calendars were observed by the exiled Zadok priesthood (the “Water Carriers” traditionally labeled as the “Essenes”) while the Rabbinically [...]

Yahushua Melchizedek : The Implications of His Davidic and Zadok Heritage To Und...

[...] discussion we consider what the written Law of Moses and the Prophets declare concerning the Zadok priesthood and how the biblical writ exposes the ancient-modern Talmudic Rabbinical Pharisee [...]

Prof Rachel Elior – Public Lecture At The Divinity School, Chicago University on...

This lecture is a must listen – it summarizes much of the information presented by Prof Elior in her book entitled “The Three Temples” in a way [...]

Prof Rachel Elior – Public Lecture At The Divinity School, Chicago University on...

[...] that of  Rabbinical Judaism. For those seeking clarity and truth on the ancient history of biblical Israel, especially in regards to the biblical calendar, the Maccabean period and the 160 years [...]

Yahushua Melchizedek : The Implications of His Davidic and Zadok Heritage To Und...

[...] has called us to faithfully proclaim to all the cities across the globe where exiled biblical Israel has been scattered to this day.  It is vital in theses last days  that we make sure we [...]

Yahushua Melchizedek : The Implications of His Davidic and Zadok Heritage To Und...

[...] systematic theologies to ensure their ownership and control over the Kingdom and biblical truth, with the goal being the continued enslavement of YHVH’s people. The revealing of the [...]

Prof Rachel Elior – Public Lecture At The Divinity School, Chicago University on...

[...] Israel who restores all things…) together with a deep spiritual  repentance to biblical truth in the remnant of the House of Israel to finally “come out of her”  will result in [...]

The Continuity Of Biblical Authority From Moses To Yahushua Melchizedek and His ...

[...] Yahushua warned his people in the last days need to be very alert and to take every care that biblical truth is not compromised to the point that they would not be found worthy to be able to stand [...]

The Continuity Of Biblical Authority From Moses To Yahushua Melchizedek and His ...

[...] Rabbinic or Karaite theology (or both),  which in different ways and degrees distort the biblical authority of  Yahushua as the (Melchizedek order) Messiah to both houses of Israel, and thereby also [...]

Yahushua Melchizedek : The Implications of His Davidic and Zadok Heritage To Und...

[...] were historically constructed because of vested religious interests to discredit any biblical authority to  the Zadok priesthood being acknowledged throughout Judah’s ancient-modern rabbinical [...]

Prof Rachel Elior – Public Lecture At The Divinity School, Chicago University on...

[...] clarity and truth on the ancient history of biblical Israel, especially in regards to the biblical calendar, the Maccabean period and the 160 years immediately prior to the coming of Yahushua [...]

What Calendar Did Yahushua Keep – Whose Report Will We Believe? (Published Sept ...

[...] ”, 2) that Yahushua’s very timing of His Passover meal speaks loudly concerning the biblical calendar He is observing, 3) the timing of the astronomical events occurring in that year, [...]

Prof Rachel Elior – Public Lecture At The Divinity School, Chicago University on...

[...] “The Three Temples” in a way that is easily understood. This public lecture by Prof Rachel Elior, (Professor of Jewish Philosophy and Jewish Mystical Thought at the Hebrew University [...]

What Calendar Did Yahushua Keep – Whose Report Will We Believe? (Published Sept ...

[...] of the authors of the Dead Sea scrolls is referenced from the book “The Three Temples” by Prof Rachel Elior, 2011, which presents an overview of the Zadok solar calendar and how this points to the [...]

What Calendar Did Moshe Keep – What is the “Ancient Path”? (Published Nov 2012)

[...] (This article first published under the old web site in 2012 is being relinked again here, by request.) Given that Moses prophetically pointed to [...]

What Calendar Did Yahushua Keep – Whose Report Will We Believe? (Published Sept ...

[...] This article first published under the old web site in 2012 is being relinked again here, by request. Please Note Update comment (2014): At the [...]

Prof Rachel Elior – Public Lecture At The Divinity School, Chicago University on...

[...] of faith and how their spiritual worldview dramatically contrasts with that of  Rabbinical Judaism. For those seeking clarity and truth on the ancient history of biblical Israel, [...]

Yahushua Melchizedek : The Implications of His Davidic and Zadok Heritage To Und...

[...] heritage is part of His lawful earthly qualification of the office of High Priest of the Melchizedek order. This human heritage, together with His Divinely begotten heritage from His Heavenly Father [...]

The Continuity Of Biblical Authority From Moses To Yahushua Melchizedek and His ...

[...] in different ways and degrees distort the biblical authority of  Yahushua as the (Melchizedek order) Messiah to both houses of Israel, and thereby also undermining the authoritative [...]

?Key Phrases
Yahushua Melchizedek : The Implications of His Davidic and Zadok Heritage To Und...

[...] Gospel.mp3 In this discussion we overview the Davidic and Zadok heritage of Yahushua Melchizedek, YHVH’s Great Redeemer, through his mother Miriam, and how this heritage is part of His [...]

Prof Rachel Elior – Public Lecture At The Divinity School, Chicago University on...

[...] calendar, the Maccabean period and the 160 years immediately prior to the coming of Yahushua Melchizedek are extremely significant to understand precisely how the Pharisee/Rabbinics gained [...]

The Continuity Of Biblical Authority From Moses To Yahushua Melchizedek and His ...

[...] doctrine. It is a very important matter that should concern every sincere believer in Yahushua Melchizedek in these days. Yahushua warned his people in the last days need to be very alert and to [...]

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