Ivucica blog
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This is totally a thought dump, as I just spent hours (!) figuring out why my environment had been persistently setting SSH_AUTH_SOCK across login sessions...
I don’t know what the Bose QC35-ii is doing: the Action button refuses to do anything unless it’s sure it’s talking to either Google Assistant or Alexa...
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Trying out the go-chromecast CLI, I was able to see mDNS requests coming to my home network over OpenVPN (a L2 tunnel using a TAP device bridged using...
On my NAS I've received sudo: sorry, you are not allowed to preserve the environment today when running sudo -E to transfer the environment from whatever...
I damaged the screen on my Pixel 3a XL and it's now increasingly bleeding meaning hour after hour I see less of the image. See illustration I found online...
scangearmp2 screenshot Turns out that ScanGear MP 3.70 works perfectly with my Canon TS5050. After unpacking the archive and dpkg -i scangearmp2_3.7...
Where does ListeningThread -- Recvd 52 of 48/68 bytes come from? If you follow the instructions for setting up Samba 4 AD DC for time synchronization...
I upgraded the PHP version backing my WordPress setup to PHP7.3. Of course, something had to go wrong: There's no updates for jquery-syntax plugin that...
A few years ago, I wanted to use Bazel to build an old project of mine using Visual Studio 2017 Community. Thing is, I don't install most of MSVS on...
Regional Settings on Windows 10. Making the countries match fixes Anno 1404. I finally found the solution to the issue on the GOG.com forums. Nothing...
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[...] file should be at ${HOME}/.config/camlistore/client-config.json. You’ll get output like this: Web UI Web UI will be available at http://${hostname}:3179. If accessing from local machine, use http:// [...]
[...] (for obvious reasons less secure) variant of going into the cloud. Unfortunately, the built-in web UI doesn’t give you an option to register nor a hint on doing so. Quick guide does mention the [...]
[...] Ubuntu 13.10 fails to start X11 on a Macbook Pro with retina display, and it fails to start X11 on VirtualBox when EFI mode is turned on. Even [...]
[...] I’m visiting NYC this week. I’ve come to US thinking hard whether or not I want to buy a MacBook Pro. I decided that yes, I do. Now I changed my mind. Why? I wanted to do a couple of things. Use [...]
[...] : Search system’s camtool describe Ask the search system about an object: Mounting Camlistore filesystem You won’t be mounting the Camlistore filesystem; you’ll be mounting a Camlistore [...]
Over the last few days I had a bit of downtime. I have no monitoring set up for the services, and I didn’t have problems on the previous server. But [...]
If you read about calibrating touchscreen with X11 and are capable of simple addition and division, you won’t have a problem building the transforma [...]
I have done some stuff with OpenGL and OpenGL ES in the past. I generally tried to stick with fixed function pipeline; I never had good reasons to dig [...]
[...] file should be at ${HOME}/.config/camlistore/client-config.json. You’ll get output like this: Web UI Web UI will be available at http://${hostname}:3179. If accessing from local machine, use http:// [...]
After getting the mFI mPower unit, I saw that it really wasn’t planned for standalone use. I was also surprised at seeing no ethernet port; I’m no [...]
[...] GL_RGB565, and more. These can be passed as the first argument, and determine how the desktop OpenGL implementation will store the texture. If you pass GL_RGB, you’re letting the implementation [...]
[...] file should be at ${HOME}/.config/camlistore/client-config.json. You’ll get output like this: Web UI Web UI will be available at http://${hostname}:3179. If accessing from local machine, use http:// [...]
[...] (for obvious reasons less secure) variant of going into the cloud. Unfortunately, the built-in web UI doesn’t give you an option to register nor a hint on doing so. Quick guide does mention the [...]
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