La maman de naiya


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'La maman de naiya' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'La maman de naiya' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'La maman de naiya' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'La maman de naiya' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'La maman de naiya' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



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But you may check out related channels listed below.

Lemper Ayam Bumbu Basil

[...] /4 sdt garam halus (salt) -------------(tanti : tidak pakai) 100 cc santan encer mentah (light coconut milk) 1/8 sdt gula pasir (sugar) note : 'sdt' means coffe/tea spoon Directions : 1. Kukus beras [...]

Es Teler (Cold Dessert)

[...] I don't know for how many months I didn't drink this ice. This ice made from coconut milk, coco pandan syrup, condensed milk and contain of fruits (usually we use avocado,young coconut) [...]

Tahu Gejrot/Fried tofu with chili & sour sauce

[...] from Cirebon, West Java. The main ingredient is tofu and pour with sauce made of chili,coconut sugar,tamarind,garlic and sweet soja sauce. I suggest to eat them warm as a side dish or snack. Very [...]

Sweet Spicy Fried Tempeh & Tofu (Kering Tempe Tahu)

[...] /hot, you can remove the pit/seed before slicing) 1 cm galanga 2 bay leaves 1 - 2 tsp sliced coconut sugar 1-2 tbsp sweet soybean sauce salt pepper 1 eye of tamarind diluted in 30 cc water oil to fry [...]

Click January 2009 : Red Tomato & Chili

[...] processor to make it as a paste or do as mine, use a traditional mortar & pestle. After, stir fry the paste for a couple minutes until the fragrance come out, don't forget season it with salt &# [...]

Samosa Tuna

[...] , finely chopped 1 teaspoon garam masala 1/2 teaspoon curry powder salt sugar water oil for stir fry spring roll pastry 25x25 cm Direction : filling : - stir fry garlic and onion until [...]

Lemper Ayam Bumbu Basil

[...] masukkan daun kemangi cincang, matikan api, aduk-aduk rata selagi panas. Sisihkan. the filling : stir fry the paste and other spices until it fragrance, add in the chicken, stir well. pour in coconut [...]

Sweet Spicy Fried Tempeh & Tofu (Kering Tempe Tahu)

[...] oil to fry and saute how to : 1. fry sliced tempeh until golden brow, drain it from the oil 2. stir fry the shallots and garlics until fragrant, add in galanga,bayleaf. 3. mix in tempeh,soybean sauce, [...]

Banana Cake

[...] mashed banana) 4. Beri Vanilli essence, aduk (add in vanilli essence) 5. Masukkan bahan kering, aduk rata (add in flour,milk powder, corn starch,baking powder) 6. Panaskan oven, kurleb 160 derajat [...]

Lemper Ayam Bumbu Basil

[...] diangkat, masukkan daun kemangi cincang, matikan api, aduk-aduk rata selagi panas. Sisihkan. the filling : stir fry the paste and other spices until it fragrance, [...]

Pampis Ikan Sarden (Sardine cook in Manadonese)

[...] ) : 1 ekor ikan cakalang/tongkol (cakalang/skipjack tuna) 5 bh bawang merah (shallots) 2 siung bawang putih (garlics) 1 ruas jahe (about 2 cm ginger) 15 bh cabe rawit (bird chili) 5 bh cabe merah ( [...]

Lemper Ayam Bumbu Basil

[...] ) (basil leaves, chopped) Bumbu halus : (paste ingredients) 5 siung bawang merah (shallot) 4 siung bawang putih (garlic) 5 butir kemiri (candle nut) rempah lainnya / other spices : sedikit kunyit ( [...]

Soto Ayam (Indonesian Chicken Soup)

[...] , slice thinly, blanch in hot water onion spring, chopped fried shallots prawn snack paste ingredients : 5 shallots 3 garlic 2 cm fresh ginger (powder - 1/2 tsp) 1 cm fresh turmeric ( [...]

Lemper Ayam Bumbu Basil

[...] kasar ----------- (tanti: ganti dengan daun basil) (basil leaves, chopped) Bumbu halus : (paste ingredients) 5 siung bawang merah (shallot) 4 siung bawang putih (garlic) 5 butir kemiri (candle nut) [...]

Pampis Ikan Sarden (Sardine cook in Manadonese)

[...] by your food processor or mortar & pestle : shallots,garlic,ginger,chili) Sereh dimemarkan, daun bawang diiris tipis-tipis. (crush the lemongrass, finely chop the spring onion) · Bumbu yang telah [...]

Soto Ayam (Indonesian Chicken Soup)

[...] cabbage, slice thinly, blanch in hot water onion spring, chopped fried shallots prawn snack paste ingredients : 5 shallots 3 garlic 2 cm fresh ginger (powder - 1/2 tsp) 1 cm fresh turmeric (powder : [...]

Lemper Ayam Bumbu Basil

[...] santan encer dan garam serta serai, matikan api, tuang larutan santan panas ke dalam ketan yang telah dikukus, aduk-aduk. heat the coconut milk, salt and lemon grass. turn off the stove, [...]

?Key Phrases
Lemper Ayam Bumbu Basil

[...] /4 sdt garam halus (salt) -------------(tanti : tidak pakai) 100 cc santan encer mentah (light coconut milk) 1/8 sdt gula pasir (sugar) note : 'sdt' means coffe/tea spoon Directions : 1. Kukus beras [...]

Es Teler (Cold Dessert)

[...] I don't know for how many months I didn't drink this ice. This ice made from coconut milk, coco pandan syrup, condensed milk and contain of fruits (usually we use avocado,young coconut) [...]

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