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Chapter endings are as important as beginnings. Read the endings of your chapters. Go ahead. Are they riveting? Are you anxious to turn the page? Will...
Mystery writers and readers have long been beguiled by Jack the Ripper. Numerous serial killers have upstaged the Ripper since his murders in 1888. ...
Traditional books are still popular. I recently read a study by Pew Institute on how many people read e-books vs. traditional books. http://www.pewresearch...
Words are my business. I love them dearly, but sometimes, they can be perplexing, confusing, and downright ornery. Here’s one word, a tiny one, that...
I’m getting ready to launch my new book! This is a very exciting time for me. I’m getting ready to launch my new book, the fifth in a series of historical...
I’m getting ready to launch my new book, the fifth in a series of historical mysteries solved by modern technology. This is a very exciting time for...
One of the first things I learned in writing classes was the importance of giving your characters flaws as a way of making them distinctive and memorable...
I recently finished an excellent novel called “Help for the Haunted.” It’s about two sisters, ages around 14 and 18 and their parents who make a living...
Writers understand that the space in which they create stories is vitally important. While some writers, I suppose, can do their work in a closet, I...
Time Exposure is a mystery that takes place during the Civil War. I wanted readers to abandon the present and immerse themselves in those brutal, tumultuous...
Writing historical mysteries is a juggling act. Writers must create a fictional plot with fictional characters around a historical time period with real...
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[...] sake, here is the back cover text for my latest book, Pure Lies, a mystery about the Salem Witch Trials. It is the same text I used for the ABNA (Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award) contest “pitch” [...]
[...] ON I am currently in the middle of final-editing my fourth book, PURE LIES, about the Salem Witch trials. I am happy to report that this unpublished work has made it through the first two rounds [...]
[...] in the mid seventeenth century. It is a fitting opening to my novel about the Salem witch trials and to a time of primitive superstition, fanatical religion, a radical Calvinist [...]
[...] interesting with the holidays coming and my latest book, Pure Lies, a mystery about the Salem Witch Trials, just released. Sexual obsession is not a concept usually associated with Puritans, but [...]
[...] fiction, history and science to create gripping mysteries. Her latest is “Deadly Provenance” about a Van Gogh painting that’s been missing since it was taken by the Nazis in [...]
[...] the evidence of his death: suicide, homicide or misadventure? The research for my book, Deadly Provenance, took me places I never expected to go. To the dark recesses of the brain, its power over [...]
[...] , and so on. It took a while, but “Time Exposure” was the result. My third book, “Deadly Provenance,” was originally titled “Provenance” and posed a challenge. It’s about the Nazi [...]
[...] new developments crop up that can be included. For instance, the back story of my book, Deadly Provenance, was World War II and art stolen by the Nazis. However, today new art is being uncovered [...]
[...] mechanics or pit bull fighting. I will definitely read blogs on forensics, crime-solving, digital photography, art, and many historical subjects. Once the topic is of interest to me, I will take the [...]
[...] science background to solve the mysteries years, or centuries later through forensics and digital photography. How would you describe your books? Historical mysteries solved by modern technology. My [...]
[...] real people and events. Then I solve it today with modern technology – usually digital photography. Other books go back and forth from past to present, but I think my blending of [...]
[...] Civil War photography. But how would I blend this with modern forensics? Through digital photography. It really worked. My modern character, a digital photographer, stumbles upon a [...]
[...] In an early blog I wrote about the benefits of attending a critique group regularly. I stand firmly by that, since we cannot write in a vacuum and constructive [...]
[...] again. Read the new draft out loud, cringe and re-write. Test the chapters out in my critique group, cringe and re-write. I don’t usually re-outline unless the book isn’t working as a [...]
[...] had all four of my novels edited by pros. In addition I participate in a read and critique group (every week now for about 15 years.) I won’t go into critique groups here since I [...]
[...] word. My first book, “The Triangle Murders” began its life as “Tenement.” When my critique group suggested I come up with something a little more mystery-genre rather than literary [...]
[...] plus. Now, the stage is set for future interactions with everyone he/she meets. In The Triangle Murders, my protagonist, Frank Mead is overwhelmingly conflicted about his relationship with his [...]
[...] work involved. In 1911, fire forensics (in fact, all forensics) was in its infancy. In The Triangle Murders, Cormac Mead searched the two destroyed floors at the Triangle factory for evidence that [...]
[...] the spirit of one man, a World War II hero, in one powerful word. My first book, “The Triangle Murders” began its life as “Tenement.” When my critique group suggested I come up with [...]
[...] ! What was it like to win The Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Mystery Category Award for The Triangle Murders? A surprise. I had entered several manuscripts before and always got good feedback, but [...]
[...] forensics? Through digital photography. It really worked. My modern character, a digital photographer, stumbles upon a mystery through a Civil War photograph. Through her analysis, she comes [...]
[...] them for today’s blog. Modern (and Past) Story Line a. Broad overview of story, ie: Digital photographer searches for missing Van Gogh painting after her best friend is murdered (my last book.) [...]
[...] will pay with their lives. Today, Washington, D.C. Maggie Thornhill is a renowned digital photographer in Georgetown who possesses a passion for history. As her Ph.D. dissertation, Maggie [...]
[...] called “The Train” with Burt Lancaster. It made me start thinking about the Nazi confiscation of art. I started reading up on the subject and found a book (and later a move) [...]
[...] ,” was originally titled “Provenance” and posed a challenge. It’s about the Nazi confiscation of art and a missing Van Gogh painting (in actuality still missing.) I thought “ [...]
[...] . In terms of a compelling plot, I develop a story that is intriguing to me, such as the Nazi confiscation of art and a missing Van Gogh painting. That’s what compels me to write. And what, [...]
[...] . . . you’d be wrong. I don’t want to live there. I just want to read about them. Jeez, in San Diego, if the sun isn’t out 350 days, I’m depressed. Hmm, I wonder if Jack the Ripper would have [...]
[...] a species, are fascinated by this whole machination. There’s an exhibition at the San Diego Museum of Man on “Instruments of Torture.” Of course, I visited. I also visited the [...]
[...] sake, here is the back cover text for my latest book, Pure Lies, a mystery about the Salem Witch Trials. It is the same text I used for the ABNA (Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award) contest “pitch” [...]
[...] ON I am currently in the middle of final-editing my fourth book, PURE LIES, about the Salem Witch trials. I am happy to report that this unpublished work has made it through the first two rounds [...]
[...] in the mid seventeenth century. It is a fitting opening to my novel about the Salem witch trials and to a time of primitive superstition, fanatical religion, a radical Calvinist [...]
[...] interesting with the holidays coming and my latest book, Pure Lies, a mystery about the Salem Witch Trials, just released. Sexual obsession is not a concept usually associated with Puritans, but [...]
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