Make asterisk your call center
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Bind Domain and Team asterCC is a hosting system that offers multiple customers services. Each customer manages by team, so that each team will has its...
In asterCC IP PBX, we have feature codes and hot keys, feature codes means you can dial when your phone is on hook, hot keys means you can dial during...
in astercc 2.0beta, it supports voice survey, the features are: 1. single select questionnaire 2. number input questionnaire 3. questionnaire jump...
asterCC Commercial call center system released 2.0-beta, from 1.x to 2.x, we are now using asterisk 1.8 ! Download:
How to choose hardware for your call center When you choose hardware for asterCC Commercial Call Center system, you need consider the following facts...
asterCC Commercial released a new version 1.2.2, old user could go to system modules to upgrade the main changes include auto send report via email...
How SMS work in asterCC When you write SMS text and click [Send] button in asterCC, the system would save the message in table cc10_batchcontacts and...
Agent Account, Agent Number and Device In astercc commercial, there are entries like team, user, user group, extension, agent, agent group, agent group...
Listen, download and backup of call recordings In asterCC commercial call center system, all agent calls are being recorded, the recording directly saved...
Useful reports in outbound call center Outbound call center is mainly concerned about the contract situation, agents efficiency and data usage. Agent...
System Realtime Monitor Realtime Monitor of the call center to help managers and operators to better understand the system running situation, find problems...
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AsterCC, asterisk | predictive dialer | sales campaign | call center API ...
provide asterisk based hosted call center, ip pbx solution
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