My life. my love.
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K is for…. Kids. Hurrah, we managed to get a lovely photo of all of them; all looking the right way; all looking angelic! They get on, so unbelievably...
Thank you so much to everyone who has left comments of support and encouragement on this tough journey, we call weight loss! I’m so thrilled to say that...
I love this. I hope I’ve been a Rainbow for someone before. Have a lovely week, everyone.
A few days ago, Harley saw a video of some boys on their bikes, doing stunts in a skate park. When I heard the inevitable “I want to do that, Mummy”...
Regular readers will know that Harley is more of an outdoors boys, preferring to be with a football or on his bike, than with a pen or glue stick in hand...
J is for … Joke nose! Oh my goodness, this photo makes me laugh so much. Yes that’s right, only Harley is wearing the joke nose and glasses but they...
We are known in our house, unfortunately also at pre-school, the childminder’s and by friends, for our love of brightly coloured, usually odd, socks!...
For my 4th week, I have still been following the Diet Chef plan of a calorie controlled breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack each day and enjoying the chef...
The weekend was a tough one; a wonderful Mother’s Day celebrating and cherishing the love of my two little ones and squeezing them a little bit tighter...
My Mother’s Day flowers. I love the rich, deep purple shade. Have a lovely day all you Mummies out there.
I is for… Inspired. Yes, it’s a pair of trainers. Yes, it’s the stereotype runner’s shot. Except I am not a runner, not even remotely. But this is...
Unfortunately My life. my love. has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] to be made even more magical because we are going to be taking Harley and Lola to the Christmas Wonderland at Paultons Park. Excited doesn’t seem to do justice to how we all feel at the thought of [...]
[...] special time of year is nearly upon us so my family and I were so excited to visit the Christmas Wonderland at Paultons Park. Our favourite family theme park, coupled with Father Christmas… it [...]
[...] Centre where they have real reindeer, but this year we were lucky enough to visit the Christmas Wonderland at Paultons Park. It was stunning. You can read our review of the Wonderland, here. On [...]
[...] happy memories. We were then given the opportunity to return at Christmas to visit their Christmas Wonderland. Magical. And to top that off, I found out yesterday that I had made it into their Best of [...]
[...] Hide and Seek; climbing trees and feeding the ducks. Good old fashioned childhood fun. So my Sunday Photo had to be this one. It truly encapsulates all the fun we had. [...]
[...] My Sunday Photo for this week, is this picture of us on possibly the most amazing swing ever invented. All 3 [...]
[...] . Going for an early evening walk down the beach is something we really enjoy doing. So for My Sunday Photo I wanted to share a photo that encapsulates Springtime to me, as we finally seem to be to be [...]
This is my first time joining in with this fab linky. I love the idea of sharing a photo, with or without words and I couldn’t think of a better p [...]
[...] so nice to all be together for a whole month. Perhaps my favourite memory was going to Paultons Park and writing some guest posts for them on their website. It was the first time that [...]
[...] 2014. Tickets must be pre-booked in advance and include entry to the Wonderland; the rides at Paultons Park and Peppa Pig World; the 4d film at the Show Street Cinema and of course, all good boys and [...]
[...] year is nearly upon us so my family and I were so excited to visit the Christmas Wonderland at Paultons Park. Our favourite family theme park, coupled with Father Christmas… it exceeded all of our [...]
[...] have real reindeer, but this year we were lucky enough to visit the Christmas Wonderland at Paultons Park. It was stunning. You can read our review of the Wonderland, here. On Christmas Eve … Track [...]
[...] this film. Watching Harley watching the film, was magical. 2. Do you open your presents on Christmas morning or in the afternoon? We always open our stockings first thing in the morning and then [...]
[...] with the long wait for Christmas Day. It is only in the final scene when he wakes up on Christmas morning, running straight past his stocking to collect a messily wrapped present which he eagerly [...]
[...] for Father Christmas and a carrot for Rudolph on Christmas Eve. Their little faces, Christmas morning when they first set eyes on their stocking filled with goodies, I would freeze that [...]
S is for … Swimming Because we live on the South Coast and spend so much of the Summer down the beach, swimming was always something that we wanted [...]
T is for … Tide I love this photo. It was taken exactly a year ago today. Late September is still proving to be a month of lovely weather. We li [...]
V is for… Vows. V was an easy letter for me this week. I immediately knew that I would use this photo that my lovely friend took of Luke and I sayi [...]
[...] Today marks the start of the Alphabet Photography Project that I took part in last year. I was amazed that I made it all the way to the end [...]
Once the clocks have gone back and it’s pitch black at 6pm at night, it feels all cosy indoors. I’ve just bought some lovely twig lights from Dune [...]
With Christmas only a panic frenzied 4 days away, it means that the week after is New Year. We say Goodbye to 2014 and hello to a sparkly, shiny, new [...]
I recently saw The Christmas Tag on the lovely blog Tinyfootsteps and I enjoyed reading Jenna’s answers, so I thought I would have a go too. Who doe [...]
[...] jeweller as a sister and I know that she has made Lola a very special personalised gift for Christmas day. It’s so beautiful that I have to share it with you as it epitomises that special keepsake [...]
[...] John Lewis advert from 2011. It shows a little boy, getting frustrated with the long wait for Christmas Day. It is only in the final scene when he wakes up on Christmas morning, running straight past [...]
[...] Christmas Eve traditions? We don’t really. But my favourite thing about the build up to Christmas day, is leaving the mince pie and carrot for Santa and Rudolph. Last year was the first time [...]
[...] from “Mumma” and “Dadda”, we can say this is officially her first word! Her first word on Christmas Day, we’ll never forget that one. [...]
B is for … Brave. Last weekend we headed down to the pier. For a chilly winter walk along the beach? I hear you ask. Nope. To play the penny machin [...]
D is for … Digger. If you walk into Harley’s bedroom, you see diggers; on the curtains; on the cushions; on his duvet. If you walk into the playr [...]
E is for…Electric blue. I adore this bright, electric colour. [...]
F is for … Friends. I adore this photo of Harley with his best friend, Harry. Taken only yesterday they always have so much fun when they are toget [...]
[...] W is for … Wavy I’ve really enjoyed this Alphabet Photography Project. It’s been such fun finding a photo to fit each letter of the alphabet (some have [...]
[...] And so we come to the end of the Alphabet Photography Project. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed choosing some of my favourite photos to fit each letter of [...]
[...] Today marks the start of the Alphabet Photography Project that I took part in last year. I was amazed that I made it all the way to the end of [...]
X is for … Xmas Ok, so technically Christmas starts with a C but can you think of many photos that begin with an X?! This was a gorgeous moment, c [...]
Y is for … Yawn Lola was only 14 days old in this photo. A perfect, squishy baby yawn. Baby’s are such time wasters, aren’t they? I could sit a [...]
T is for … Tide I love this photo. It was taken exactly a year ago today. Late September is still proving to be a month of lovely weather. We li [...]
[...] to be made even more magical because we are going to be taking Harley and Lola to the Christmas Wonderland at Paultons Park. Excited doesn’t seem to do justice to how we all feel at the thought of [...]
[...] special time of year is nearly upon us so my family and I were so excited to visit the Christmas Wonderland at Paultons Park. Our favourite family theme park, coupled with Father Christmas… it [...]
[...] Centre where they have real reindeer, but this year we were lucky enough to visit the Christmas Wonderland at Paultons Park. It was stunning. You can read our review of the Wonderland, here. On [...]
[...] happy memories. We were then given the opportunity to return at Christmas to visit their Christmas Wonderland. Magical. And to top that off, I found out yesterday that I had made it into their Best of [...]
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