Please, no paparazzi.


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Please, no paparazzi.' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Please, no paparazzi.' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Please, no paparazzi.' Channel

dia tulis ikut hati, bukan otak.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1May, 2010Jun, 2010Jul, 2010Aug, 2010Sep, 2010Oct, 2010Nov, 2010Dec, 2010Jan, 2011Feb, 2011Mar, 2011Apr, 2011051015202530Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1TextsImages
? Average Article Length

'Please, no paparazzi.' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Please, no paparazzi.' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Please, no paparazzi.' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News
Surat untuk Chako. Kan dah cakap, malam-malam kena entry sedih.

Tajuk tu dah macam lagu Jamal Abdillah punya style la pulak. HAHA. Sebenarnya , memang ni yang I nak buat. Banyak benda yang berlaku dalam life I sepanjang...

Contest nak menang blog header makeover !

I telah di tag oleh Cik Dianna. Tapi sebelum dia tag ni pun I memang dah lama nak join tapi busy sangat sampai tak berkesempatan nak buat entry hehe....

Perfume murah gila !

Hello guys. Hari ni I nak ber business pulak. Cewahh. Well, butik I kerja ada buat promotion for perfumes. I nak ajak you guys beli perfume ni sebab it...

Kahwin memang susah , tapi ingat bercinta pun senang ke ?

I love you and I'll wait for you :') I know you miss me too right ? :') Well this entry is supposed to be done yesterday tapi sebab I was on holiday...

Aku tak bercuti ke Paris and London macam kau.

Hello guys ! Dah dua hari I tak blogging rasa rindu pulak. Duk fikir pasal blog je masa cuti. Ok tipu je. Hehe. I fikir pasal Chako la. Even holiday...

Mesti anda semua tidak percaya

Skema gila title. Tak percaya ? Well I rasa I percaya. Reason ? Tadi I menangis dalam train, well obviously sebab my previous entry tu la kan. And yeah...

Separuh jiwaku pergi !

Macam yang I dah bagitau kat status FB and also my twitter. Something bad happened to my one and only Chako. Apa yang jadi tu jangan la you all tanya...

Handphone baru lagi ?

I easily get bored with handphones, so yeah, handphone baru lagi la jawab nya ! HEHE. Well, I plan nak beli phone baru. Tapi I agak pening nak pilih...

Kau ingat sebab aku salesgirl aku tak kaya dari kau ?

Sepanjang bekerja di Armada Hotel ni, macam-macam perangai orang I dah jumpa. Macam-macam kerenah. Ada yang sampai buat I menyampah, sampai rasa nak berhenti...

Sentap tak Arsenal fans ?

HAHA , malas lah comment lebih kan. But I admit , Rooney's penalty is the worst, ever ! Tapi, kesah pulak ? Janji menang. Kan dah cakap, Man Utd mesti...

Ini cerita pasal boyfriend. Tak suka jangan baca.

Amaran awal tu tajuk dia. As you all know. Chako ni bukan la kind of romantic guy kan ? So imagine yourself dapat boyfriend yang tak romantic langsung...


Unfortunately Please, no paparazzi. has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan.

Ok, as you all know , Blog Pilihan Malaysia ada buat satu lagi kategori and the best thing is , I can join ! HAHA. Macam menarik pulak so I join la. [...]

Perhatian untuk para pengundi blog ini

[...] Cewah, ayat nak skema habis. Ok, ingat lagi tak dulu I ada cakap yang I join Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia kan ? Sukacita I nak maklumkan , *etf dengan ayat skema nak mampos HAHA* [...]

Don't forget to vote me on Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia !

The voting starts tomorrow at 7 AM and ended on 17th December at 7 AM also ! But , this is just the Part 1 voting guys ! So do help me, dengan baik ha [...]

Vote untuk blog baru pilihan anda sekarang !

[...] Seperti yang I dah gembar gembur kan , undian kini telah dibuka untuk Pilihan Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia. I tengok result tadi, undian I ciput je. Sobbbs. Takde orang undi I ke : [...]

Sentap tak Arsenal fans ?

[...] Baru Pilihan Malaysia. Just click to this site ; . And vote for lucky number 240. TQ :D* [...]

Perhatian untuk para pengundi blog ini

[...] sebagai calon Dalam Kumpulan Ke Enam. Click sini, untuk lihat , KUMPULAN ENAM. And my lucky number is ; 240 ! Hehe. Undian belum dibuka lagi tapi just nak inform you guys pasal number bertuah I [...]

Don't forget to vote me on Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia !

[...] Part 1 voting guys ! So do help me, dengan baik hati nya, sila lah vote I. And remember the lucky number of my blog is ; 240 Nanti you guys kena letak number blog je dekat ruangan comment. Bukan nama [...]

Aku tak bercuti ke Paris and London macam kau.

[...] masa ni. Hmm. And by the way blog ni berjaya ke peringkat ke dua dalam Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia. Thanks pada semua yang mengundi. Jangan lupa undi untuk peringkat ke dua pulak nanti ! Hehe [...]

Don't forget to vote me on Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia !

[...] blog je dekat ruangan comment. Bukan nama blog I tau. Remember that. Oh , ini url Blog Pilihan Malaysia ; Wuuu takut nya. Dah la blog lain yang join [...]

Vote untuk blog baru pilihan anda sekarang !

[...] yang I dah gembar gembur kan , undian kini telah dibuka untuk Pilihan Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia. I tengok result tadi, undian I ciput je. Sobbbs. Takde orang undi I ke :'( By the way , [...]

Surat untuk Chako. Kan dah cakap, malam-malam kena entry sedih.

Tajuk tu dah macam lagu Jamal Abdillah punya style la pulak. HAHA. Sebenarnya , memang ni yang I nak buat. Banyak benda yang berlaku dalam life I sepa [...]

Sentap tak Arsenal fans ?

[...] kan. But I admit , Rooney's penalty is the worst, ever ! Tapi, kesah pulak ? Janji menang. Kan dah cakap, Man Utd mesti mari ! HAHAHA. Yang penting number 1 okayy ! :P Oh ya, esok Malaysia against [...]

Happy Birthday to Me !

[...] really wanna have my own money. Even parents boleh bagi I duit every month, but still I nak ada duit sendiri. Come on, I dah 21 kan ? 2. My own iPad. 3. Driving license. Duhh. 4. I nak daftar SPR [...]

My first day of working.

[...] family dia. Ingat lagi dengan wish list I , when I reached 21 I nak buat apa ? I nak ada duit sendiri. So that mission is obvously accomplished by helping my friend. Mula-mula I fikir jugak yang [...]

My birthday story.

[...] jam ni semahu-mahunya. HAHAHA. Semalam birthday I kan. Takdela celebrate mana pun. Just keluar dengan Chako and my sister. Ingat nak ajak ramai kawan I tapi I keluar pun lambat dalam 3 something. Then [...]

Kahwin memang susah , tapi ingat bercinta pun senang ke ?

[...] kan ? But you really should know you lover. Tahu siapa dia, perangai dia. Sepanjang I couple dengan Chako, serious I cakap, trustworthy is really,really important. So for you guys yang in a [...]

My first day of working.

[...] accomplished by helping my friend. Mula-mula I fikir jugak yang lepas ni masa lepak I mesti tak ada. But it's ok. Plus, I kerja sini full time pun sampai early January je. Lepas tu I kerja part [...]

Surat untuk Chako. Kan dah cakap, malam-malam kena entry sedih.

[...] Tajuk tu dah macam lagu Jamal Abdillah punya style la pulak. HAHA. Sebenarnya , memang ni yang I nak buat. Banyak benda yang berlaku dalam life I sepanjang ketiadaan Chako. Teringin sangat [...]

?Key Phrases
Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan.

Ok, as you all know , Blog Pilihan Malaysia ada buat satu lagi kategori and the best thing is , I can join ! HAHA. Macam menarik pulak so I join la. [...]

Perhatian untuk para pengundi blog ini

[...] Cewah, ayat nak skema habis. Ok, ingat lagi tak dulu I ada cakap yang I join Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia kan ? Sukacita I nak maklumkan , *etf dengan ayat skema nak mampos HAHA* [...]

Don't forget to vote me on Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia !

The voting starts tomorrow at 7 AM and ended on 17th December at 7 AM also ! But , this is just the Part 1 voting guys ! So do help me, dengan baik ha [...]

Vote untuk blog baru pilihan anda sekarang !

[...] Seperti yang I dah gembar gembur kan , undian kini telah dibuka untuk Pilihan Blog Baru (2010) Pilihan Malaysia. I tengok result tadi, undian I ciput je. Sobbbs. Takde orang undi I ke : [...]

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