Portable apps
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PhotoshopCCPortable - 461 MB (EXTRACT 1.5 GB) Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 Image editing and compositing DOWNLOAD: Photoshop CC Portable 2018 DOWNLOAD: Camera...
AiSeeSoft Screen Recoder Portable - 22MB Screen Recorder DOWNLOAD AiSeeSoft Screen Recoder Portable
Windows 10 Manager Portable - 8 MB Windows 10 Manager is an all-in-one utility for Microsoft Windows 10 specially, it includes over forty different utilities...
Internet Download Manager Portable - 5MB Internet Download Manager increases download speed with built-in download logic accelerator, resume and schedule...
Internet Download Manager Portable - 5MB Internet Download Manager increases download speed with built-in download logic accelerator, resume and schedule...
Hard Disk Sentinel Portable-24MB Hard Disk Sentinel (HDSentinel) is a multi-OS SSD and HDD monitoring and analysis software. Its goal is to find, test...
AnyToISO Portable 7MB AnyToISO Professional is the ultimate ISO Creator for Windows DOWNLOAD AnyToISO Portable
Windows 10 Manager Portable - 8 MB Windows 10 Manager is an all-in-one utility for Microsoft Windows 10 specially, it includes over forty different utilities...
WinSnapPortable 2MB Utility for taking and editing screenshots DOWNLOAD WinSnapPortable
EximiousSoft Logo Designer Portable - 22MB EximiousSoft Logo Designer is the most powerful and easy to use software for logo maker, logo creation DOWNLOAD...
StopUpdate10 Portable - 1MB Software for disable Windows 10 Update DOWNLOAD StopUpdate10 Portable
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