Seoul | tapperilla
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As I’m a tremendous fan of fun facts, a fun fact about Madrid is that it’s got the most bars per capita when weighed against any other European country...
Perhaps one of the most memorable portions of my Balkans Bouncing this summer was the penultimate leg of my trip en route back to Greece. The bus ride...
Just kidding! I haven’t made another career change and left you in the dark! Just an impending continent change. As the cat was already let out of the...
If you’ve read any of those lists circulating lately about the Top 10 destinations you MUST get to this year, then you’ve most certainly heard of Kotor...
Up until this past August, Sarajevo was a city that sat in my mind as a scary place. Aside from the obvious places that ring scary in the mind of most...
When I look back on year thirty-one, it looks like a very weird year. Nothing immediately crazy stands out to me until I actually look at it with a closer...
Many of you probably know by now, whether in waking life or in social media life, that I’m a big ol’ fan of getting off the beaten track. While I do love...
Today marks the last day of my summer in Greece, as I hit the road back to Madrid at 6:30am tomorrow morning. This summer has been magical in so many...
When I first got to Spain and started tutoring Spanish kiddos, whenever I’d ask what they did the past weekend, or what they’re doing for the upcoming...
The last time I was in Greece was in October 2007 with my mom and brother. I’ve wanted to return so badly, and finally had the free time and a pretty...
I’m pretty well traveled, so I’m well-versed in the ‘feeling foreign’ feeling. However, the out-of-place feels that overcame me upon arrival at Marrakech...
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[...] sure no one escaped through the stations to the west. I immediately could not wait to tell Mama Schaeff the story behind her hop-off-hop-right-back-on story in Berlin. The only logical thing that I [...]
[...] of mine. 6. Speaking Of Passports… I added 48 brand spankin’ new pages to mine! Mama Schaeff may think all my passport excitements are silly, but that passport is my most prized [...]
[...] that is indeed a true fact of life. The face I likely made when I was told to hire low talker. Mama Schaeff visited me for a week before Kristia and I decided to last minute crash Jen and her friend [...]
[...] , but still thought it was a nice gesture. This my friends is all building up the facade. Then Mama Schaeff came to visit a couple weeks after I moved in, and naturally I was excited to have a visitor [...]
[...] nor there, and it went out of business sometime in the mid-nineties due to a lack of Yongma Land-goers. Since I’ve been dying to go, I grabbed my fellow abandoned places explorer, Joshy, [...]
[...] ! Joshy is my breaking-into-abandoned-places partner in crime, and for this wild ride at Yongma Land we took our third member of Destiny’s Child along for the ride. Joshy, Veny, and I [...]
[...] 2 weeks ago marked the last long weekend I will ever rejoice in during my time in Korea. That’s if you don’t count the one during [...]
[...] it is you’re so concerned with. So we went out of town for 4 glorious days for the puente (long weekend). We got back late Monday night and Jeanette was leaving Wednesday morning. Well, Tuesday [...]
[...] photoshoots. 11. Slumbering With Snoring Ajummas No one wanted to go out of town for this long weekend, so I took it upon myself to jet out of Seoul solo to Ganghwa-do just off the coast of Incheon. [...]
[...] AK-47 in Saigon. 29. Learned to read and write Korean. 30. Started and MAINTAINED this here bloggy blog! HELLLLLOOOOOO 30!!! [...]
[...] I’ve realized that in the entirety of this bloggy blog, I so rarely write about the kiddos that I’ve come to adore, and are the reason I’m [...]
[...] it looks like I’m gonna need to start brainstorming a new, broader name for the ol’ bloggy blog. I may just stick with Seoul Tapper because I am quite fond of it, but something all [...]
[...] Air, land or sea? 9. Have you ever gotten super sick while traveling? 10. Do you have a favorite photo from your travels? Good luck guys! Sorry if you’ve already received the honors, but now [...]
[...] the world we are, and this winter after a champagne brunch in Manhattan Beach, we took my favorite photo of us. It’s just as perfect as those badonks. 6. The Baby Tour of Los Angeles Continued This [...]
[...] !” Not many can say that and…laugh. 2. Lunar New Year In The Organ Black Market of Seoul In Korea, and Asia for that matter, Lunar New Year is the big deal when it comes to new years. [...]
[...] sure no one escaped through the stations to the west. I immediately could not wait to tell Mama Schaeff the story behind her hop-off-hop-right-back-on story in Berlin. The only logical thing that I [...]
[...] of mine. 6. Speaking Of Passports… I added 48 brand spankin’ new pages to mine! Mama Schaeff may think all my passport excitements are silly, but that passport is my most prized [...]
[...] that is indeed a true fact of life. The face I likely made when I was told to hire low talker. Mama Schaeff visited me for a week before Kristia and I decided to last minute crash Jen and her friend [...]
[...] , but still thought it was a nice gesture. This my friends is all building up the facade. Then Mama Schaeff came to visit a couple weeks after I moved in, and naturally I was excited to have a visitor [...]
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