Shaun Church
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I use Ghost to power this site, and every now and then I check in on the new features and notice something neat I can't resist upgrading to try out. This...
Testing Android applications has a reputation for being more difficult than it should be. Testing plain Java code on the other hand should be relatively...
I’ve been developing for Android on and off for just over a year now. I found it reasonably straightforward to make a start and built some fairly complex...
Three months ago I wouldn’t have believed you if you’d told me I’d be playing solo at the same venue on the same night as Jon Gomm in 2015. It still...
I’ve been having a hard time recently trying to decide what to do about my web presence. When I was just doing a spot of freelance web dev it was easy...
There’s something in this idea of building things for yourself. I’ve never felt more motivated to work on a project, and I’ve never had a clearer perspective...
It’s been quite a ride. Towards the end of February—just over 4 months ago—I installed Android Studio and set out trying to build my first Android app...
A big collection of resources, tutorials and libraries I found useful for getting started quickly with Android. Over the last few weeks I’ve been trying...
Some of the reasons I’ve decided to start learning Android development instead of doubling down on JavaScript and the open web. The Open Web I sometimes...
Today I upgraded a Laravel project from 4.0 to the recent 4.1 release. The process was well documented on the excellent new website but despite closely...
Note: This site now runs Ghost a Node powered blogging tool, not Docpad. It was also briefly running my own Substrata bootstrap. Over the last decade...
Unfortunately Shaun Church has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] It’s been quite a ride. Towards the end of February—just over 4 months ago—I installed Android Studio and set out trying to build my first Android app. After a rocky start working with some [...]
Some of the reasons I’ve decided to start learning Android development instead of doubling down on JavaScript and the open web. The Open Web I som [...]
[...] provided. Visual presentation can sometimes fall behind what I’ve come to expect from web development and JavaScript documentation and tutorials. I didn’t realise quite how good we have it [...]
[...] and the open web. The Open Web I sometimes say that my drive for getting involved in web development at an early age was sparked by a desire to communicate. This probably sounds amusing to [...]
[...] changes, it detects the /src folder has changed and recompiles the site. Routing traffic to Node server via Apache While you can run a completely static site server from any websever, there are some [...]
[...] Some of the reasons I’ve decided to start learning Android development instead of doubling down on JavaScript and the open web. The Open Web I sometimes say [...]
A big collection of resources, tutorials and libraries I found useful for getting started quickly with Android. Over the last few weeks I’ve been t [...]
Note: This post pretty old now (almost 4 years) and things with Ubuntu have changed considerably. Perhaps I'll update this, but in the meantime there [...]
It’s hard to build a mental picture of the structure of a large website simply by browsing the site, reviewing a list of URLs or looking at a spread [...]
[...] so long as you don’t forget which is which. You’ll also be asked to choose the apache server to install things to. You can select the option you want using the space bar, and use [...]
[...] section, and spent an intensive three days working through every one of their Android tutorials, completing all the exercises and quizzes. One “shake for prediction” Crystal Ball [...]
[...] It’s been quite a ride. Towards the end of February—just over 4 months ago—I installed Android Studio and set out trying to build my first Android app. After a rocky start working with some [...]
Some of the reasons I’ve decided to start learning Android development instead of doubling down on JavaScript and the open web. The Open Web I som [...]
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Writing about Android, mobile, tools and different projects.