
Channel Reputation Rank


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According to the data and stats that were collected, '' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About '' Channel

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



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Unfortunately has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Don't Repeat Yourself - Share With Yourself!

[...] read = GET model is the model you're operating on, and options is a hash of options for the sync method (which we'll ignore for now since we don't need it on the backend for this simple [...]

Context Aware Backbone Models

[...] the front end version of the model. So how do we selectively override attaching our custom sync method? Honestly that depends on what module system you're using for your code on the front end. I'll [...]

Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

[...] the passed in db and collection names to the closure's placeholder variables, that the replaced sync method also references and then passing back the model. Wrapping this all up with the sync method ( [...]

Switching to Node.js

[...] Other posts in this series: Switching to Node.js Running Node.js as an Upstart service In the past I've alluded to troubles/concerns we've had with using the Lift framework to [...]

Running Node.js as an Upstart service

[...] Other posts in this series: Switching to Node.js Running Node.js as an Upstart service I'm going to start with the final step first, being that it was the most vexing to solve, [...]

Don't Repeat Yourself - Share With Yourself!

[...] Next post: Context Aware Backbone Models There's a common adage/philosophy in software development in general: don't repeat [...]

Context Aware Backbone Models

Previous post: Don't Repeat Yourself - Share With Yourself! In my previous post I showed a drop-in Backbone.Sync replacement for saving models to Mon [...]

JSXHint, ReactJS and Pre-Mature Optimization

[...] language is actually an in-line DSL that gets transpiled directly into JavaScript by the JSX transpiler. We write this: (Be honest. First reaction: Gah. That looks likes E4X.) Yeah, yeah, I know, [...]

JSXHint, ReactJS and Pre-Mature Optimization

[...] directly.1. OK. So what's the point of a DOM DSL? First we need to start with a statement: DOM manipulation is slow. Running this extremely reactive case: Is slower than: (jsfiddle) Creating elements [...]

Running Node.js as an Upstart service

[...] have had for some time; this is most strikingly obvious when you're looking to deploy your node.js backend out on your live servers. My first question was "what's the equivilent of WSGI (or Rack [...]

JSXHint, ReactJS and Pre-Mature Optimization

[...] not. 3Probably befitting it's own post, I created JSXHint to be able to lint files containing JSX syntax directly. (It transpiles them on the fly and then checks the output). We'll dive deeper into [...]

JSXHint, ReactJS and Pre-Mature Optimization

[...] . So now for the next question, what is React.DOM and where does it come from? See that /* @jsx React.DOM */ comment? That's a transpiler directive that tells the JSX transpiler to load the React.DOM [...]

From a desktop GUI to a Javascript-powered webapp

[...] comes JavaScript and my third attempt at trying to finish up this piece of software. The backend API is nearly complete (and still built on top of those original SQLObject models from three [...]

?Key Phrases
Don't Repeat Yourself - Share With Yourself!

[...] read = GET model is the model you're operating on, and options is a hash of options for the sync method (which we'll ignore for now since we don't need it on the backend for this simple [...]

Context Aware Backbone Models

[...] the front end version of the model. So how do we selectively override attaching our custom sync method? Honestly that depends on what module system you're using for your code on the front end. I'll [...]

Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

[...] the passed in db and collection names to the closure's placeholder variables, that the replaced sync method also references and then passing back the model. Wrapping this all up with the sync method ( [...]

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