The bouncey zone
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Shortly after Christmas my family took a week-long trip back to Oklahoma. It was fun. We got to see many friends and relatives and visit several old haunts...
My first iPhone project was approved for the iTunes App Store! It does one thing: Given a price in dollars in one year, it says how many dollars would...
Last night I visited the liquor store around the corner. I’ve been wanting to find out if scotch is any good. Also, there was a big snow storm coming...
The Consumerist isn’t perfect on every subject, but I think they do a wonderful job with their coverage of the Grocery Shrink Ray – a catchy...
For the past two weeks I’ve had a secret. Now it’s time to share: I wore the same t-shirt for 8 days as an experiment. This started the Friday...
The video is from Scott’s first day of kindergarten. Yes, I know I misspelled “kindergarten” twice in the titles. I usually end up calling...
It’s been a year or so since I posted any news about my shaving experiments. I haven’t given up on it, and I haven’t settled into a...
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[...] ;t perfect on every subject, but I think they do a wonderful job with their coverage of the Grocery Shrink Ray – a catchy name for hidden grocery price increases. I caught this example of the [...]
[...] My first iPhone project was approved for the iTunes App Store! It does one thing: Given a price in dollars in one year, it says how many dollars would be [...]
[...] Mach 3 cartridges too. By the way, a hot shower also improves Mach 3 performance. The most important lessons so far: First, take your time, don’t get in a hurry, and don’t press too hard. [...]
[...] repairs. Not an experience I want to repeat very often, but we’ve learned a lot. (Most important lessons for home owners: If any repairs or upgrades need to be done, get started now! Don’t [...]
[...] and the next were taken with my new iPhone 4.) Why? I’ve been thinking that a simple disposable razor would be a nice in an emergency evacuation kit. (If you don’t have one, you should. [...]
[...] the shower several times (spraying with alcohol afterward) before it got too rough. My shaving technique has definitely improved over the past year. One time I tried it a different way: [...]
[...] yearly average. This helps if one of the prices is from a high-inflation year. Most other inflation calculators don’t do this. I don’t expect people to pay a buck up front. It’s free [...]
[...] would be needed to buy the same thing in a different year. Yes indeed, it’s an inflation calculator. I know there are others in the App Store, but mine has a few advantages: It uses actual [...]
[...] many years ago. When the author points out that an item costs so-much, you can run my Price Inflation app and find out whether that’s supposed to be outrageous or a bargain. It’s also [...]
[...] It’s been a year or so since I posted any news about my shaving experiments. I haven’t given up on it, and I haven’t settled into a final long-term pattern [...]
[...] ;t perfect on every subject, but I think they do a wonderful job with their coverage of the Grocery Shrink Ray – a catchy name for hidden grocery price increases. I caught this example of the [...]
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