Toby702's blog
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This simple fake car alarm or alarm decoy circuit device will simulate the presence of a burglar alarm in automobiles or homes. It has a few components...
This simple fake car alarm or alarm decoy circuit device will simulate the presence of a burglar alarm in automobiles or homes. It has a few components...
This is a simple 27MHz FM-CB receiver circuit built with TCA440 for listening CB ( citizen’s band ) transmissions with FM (frequency modulation...
Need electronic dog whistle? It is widely known that dogs can hear sounds with frequencies higher than the humans cant hear. Sound frequencies higher...
This is a simple 27MHz FM-CB receiver circuit built with TCA440 for listening CB ( citizen’s band ) transmissions with FM (frequency modulation). The...
Need electronic dog whistle? It is widely known that dogs can hear sounds with frequencies higher than the humans cant hear. Sound frequencies higher...
This circuit uses a high quality audio amplifier IC in a 5-pin TO220 package that does not require insulating washers between the metal tab and heatsink...
This circuit consists of twin-T sine-wave oscillators. Each oscillator has a filter in the feedback loop. If the loop gain is greater than unity, the...
The VCO has an output frequency that ranges from 1500Hz at V;,= 1 V to 300Hz at V;,=5 V. R1 or C1 can be varied to change th MAX690ACSALXT970AHCMAX12...
The noise limiter circuit has a preamplifier clipper, and a switchable audio bandpass filter. Audio levels in the 5- to 50-mV range are amplified in a...
This circuit uses a high quality audio amplifier IC in a 5-pin TO220 package that does not require insulating washers between the metal tab and heatsink...
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[...] Circuit diagram: Description Here is the circuit diagram of IC Controlled Emergancy Light With Charger or simply 12V to 220V AC inverter circuit. The [...]
[...] The circuit diagram below appearsCA3130 test circuit amplifierwhich is used forwideband noise measurement service. [...]
[...] The ICM7555/6 devices are direct alternatives for the NE/SE 555/6 devices. Below circuit diagram shows ICM7555 power supply consideration for astable operation circuit. Since the bipolar NE/ [...]
[...] , high output power, fixed gain, clipping detector and etc. TDA7360 stereo test Above circuit diagram shows this TDA7360 stereo test and application... [...]
[...] (PWM). The parameters of this Step-Down Switching Regulator are provided as follows: Output Voltage 5V, Switching Frequency 20 kHz, Short Circuit 1.3A, Current Limit Load Regulation 3 mV, Line [...]
[...] CMOS Voltage Converter can be connected to function as voltage doublers in order to generate output voltage. The schematic herein appears positive voltage doubling circuit using the ICL7660. In this [...]
[...] dog whistle circuit diagram Dog whistle Printed Circuit Layout Thisdog whistlegenerates an output voltage of about 15 volts p-p. It sends out a sound signal of around 101 dB! One word of caution in [...]
[...] LM1877 is a monolithic dual power amplifier designed to deliver 2W/channel continuous into 8 Ω loads. The LM1877 is designed to operate [...]
[...] -selectable RF signal and amplify it to a controllable output power sufficient to drive the power amplifier. It uses a PLL frequency synthesizer built with MC145151, which covers the FM band in 100kHz [...]
[...] and uses a 40V symmetrical power supply. Connect the NTC close to the heatsinker. MosFet 240W power amplifier schematic [...]
[...] Circuit diagram: Description Here is the circuit diagram of IC Controlled Emergancy Light With Charger or simply 12V to 220V AC inverter circuit. The [...]
[...] The circuit diagram below appearsCA3130 test circuit amplifierwhich is used forwideband noise measurement service. [...]
[...] The ICM7555/6 devices are direct alternatives for the NE/SE 555/6 devices. Below circuit diagram shows ICM7555 power supply consideration for astable operation circuit. Since the bipolar NE/ [...]
[...] , high output power, fixed gain, clipping detector and etc. TDA7360 stereo test Above circuit diagram shows this TDA7360 stereo test and application... [...]
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