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Enjoying the ad-free show? Please consider supporting it! Patrons get bonus episodes, perks, and entry into quarterly raffles. www.patreon.com/verypinkknits...
This video is the second in the PatternGenius series. PatternGenius is a chart and pattern creation app by the fine folks at knitCompanion. PatternGenius...
Enjoying the ad-free show? Please consider supporting it! Patrons get bonus episodes, perks, and entry into quarterly raffles. www.patreon.com/verypinkknits...
The next pattern in the Pick a Toe, Pick a Heel Sock Series! Sizes: Women and Men, average widths, any shoe size Needles: Size 2.5mm or 2.75mm (see...
Enjoying the ad-free show? Please consider supporting it! Patrons get bonus episodes, perks, and entry into quarterly raffles. www.patreon.com/verypinkknits...
You can see my other slow-motion videos here. Here is another way to work the long-tail CO. Knitted CO The shawl on the mannequin is Autumn Crunch by...
In this video I demonstrate “mirror” or backwards knitting, a way to knit back across a row, when you would normally turn the work to purl. Mentioned...
Enjoying the ad-free show? Please consider supporting it! Patrons get bonus episodes, perks, and entry into quarterly raffles. www.patreon.com/verypinkknits...
Many thanks to Turtlepurl for supporting the podcast! Check out their self-striping sock yarns. Coupon code information: For 10% off the total purchase...
Enjoying the ad-free show? Patrons get bonus episodes, perks, and entry into quarterly raffles. Starting October 1, we have a new perk starting for Brioche...
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