Yes this really did happen
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I often do web searches to check on things, even when this site is closed. I look for things pertaining to me and/or this website. Those things that...
This canNOT possibly be real, I thought, after receiving word from my informant slash Trish dissenter. Seems our Trish has landed herself her THIRD husband...
It’s been almost 3 years since the disastrous disclosure that changed the life of my family and morphed me into someone unrecognizable. I...
During my first few months of shock and complete utter despair after disclosure day, I remember asking my dad during one of our thousands of conversations...
Changes to the website are coming in the near future: less about “Trish” and more about “life”. The post title says it well, the...
I’m avoiding my website destroyer like the fucking plague, like Typhoid Mary, and the IRS! Just 2 weeks ago in Iran, a young man was in the...
The time is drawing near. A friend is coming over some time this weekend or next week to “help” me permanently remove this website....
Below is the story of Josie from the east coast. Her husband is a professor at a renown university. He found himself in the snare of a female sexual...
I found this song last week. It was written in the late 1950s, long before the adulteress lost her “class”, before she thought...
Why do these women look so surprised and confused? Let’s start with Megan Huntsman from Utah. It’s like she’s saying, &ldquo...
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