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Flyers are a great way of getting your name out there and in front of customers. Whether they are new or existing customers, flyers enable you to get...
Do you think direct mail has gone the way of the dinosaur? Think again. In 2013, nearly two-thirds of all consumers bought something as a result of a...
With this guide, we are going to examine ways to prepare files for print, covering applications in the Adobe Creative Suite. The examples used are for...
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[...] Do you think direct mail has gone the way of the dinosaur? Think again. In 2013, nearly two-thirds of all consumers [...]
[...] back, then it would be 4/0. For postcards, you might print 4/1: four color on the front and 1 spot color on the back. For business cards, you might print 2/2: 2 spot colors on the front and back. [...]
[...] color on the front and 1 spot color on the back. For business cards, you might print 2/2: 2 spot colors on the front and back. Print Layout Here is a diagram of a typical document for print designs. [...]
[...] your flyer to print, put a draft in front of some colleagues and see their response. Does the headline grab their attention? If not, it could be back to the drawing board. 2. Too much information: The [...]
[...] . Additionally, remove any unused colors before packaging file. Collecting Files in InDesign In CS4, collecting files is known as Packaging (in previous versions it was known as Preflight). To [...]
[...] Do you think direct mail has gone the way of the dinosaur? Think again. In 2013, nearly two-thirds of all consumers [...]
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