A (not so) Desperate Hausfrau
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It's been so long since I have written that I don't know whether to give a "Where We've Been--for the last 6 months" post (yes, it has been that long...
Today is a long overdue post that has been in the works for a month or so. I started it, got interrupted, lost my train of thought, shut it off, tried...
On this day of loooove and celebrating relationships, there's a sweet love growing in our house that has my heart a'melting. Eli has adored his "bubby...
It has been far too long since I have sat down to write. If I'm being totally honest, I have certainly struggled to balance my time since Olivia joined...
Now that your bellies are as stuffed as the turkey you devoured its time to start thinking about Christmas. Having been on restricted activity for the...
In case you're not on Instagram or Facebook, we had a baby GIRL last week! I went in last Tuesday night to begin the process of getting my body ready...
Every night, when we put Eli down, we turn on his music, read three stories, rock him for a song or two then lay him down and kiss him good night. Having...
I love how God uses experiences and circumstances in our lives to reveal things hidden within our hearts that need to be refined or changed. He knows...
Well, blogging didn't quite happen as much as I thought it would given my need to stay off of me feet but there's good reason for that. We were hanging...
Well, so far both of my pregnancies have been almost exactly the same. First Trimester: a week or two of nausea, but not much; a few food aversions,...
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