South County Girl
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I've always been the gal to outline and set a goals to provide some direction and accountability with my finances. It makes me feel better to have a plan...
We set some goals for the year, and then we had 2020 -- the year of the unplanned EVERYTHING. Which naturally affected the progress on our annual goals...
Well, if you have been following our flooring adventures you may recall that our slab wasn't sealed in our condo completely... and it was an issue we...
Well, just as the world shut down in February, so did my blog apparently, again. But alas, I owe a long overdue update to any of you still around on how...
So, we stopped ripping up our own flooring after we noticed our carpet getting damp in our bedroom in June of 2019...We contacted the HOA... They sent...
It's been a year since we made our annual financial goals for 2019, and its time to check in on these and see how we did... and set goals for 2020! We...
Current Mortgage Balance:$150,983.63 Payment: $763.86 + $205.14 additional principal Total principal paid: $464.86 Interest paid: $504.14 Total interest...
Each year we pick a benchmark property to compare the cost of living difference between owning a condo and renting an apartment in our general area. As...
It never fails, at some point in the year I just stop blogging consistently, try and catch up, and then life comes and gets busy. We had a wonderful ...
We Kept this one!!! It's been a busy summer at our house, and with fall officially here, I found the time to log-in only to realize "its been awhile...
Now that it isn't so rainy (it has been such a wet year that we have had to put some home improvement tasks on hold because we didn't really have a place...
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