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Before we look deep into this concept, let’s have a look into what exactly is historical cost and how it has disadvantages in accounting. Historical cost...
Below are the basic things to consider in computing income tax. Basic Salary of employee Employee Status How many dependent does employee have Your...
REA refers Resource, events and Agents. It is a model by which you can improve as well as re-engineer the accounting system. It was originated by accounting...
There are few wishes that a girl wants to be fulfilled by her boyfriend. They always wanted to get the attention from their men because they think that...
IFRS or GAAP - This is one among the most heated topics in the world of accounting. Along the passing years, IFRS has gained a lot of popularity and most...
There are two major ways by which recording of income and expenses takes place in accounting. These are cash basis and accrual basis. Cash basis method...
Private Hospital Association of the Philippines (PHAP) inform the public that there is no advance payment or deposit to be collected in treating patients...
Many of us tend to work hard away from our family. We makes ourselves busy to give everything for the sake of our love ones. Here is the story of a guy...
Business goes incomplete with lack of systematic Information System. Entire work be it internal storing, transferring or among other departments, this...
It is well known that laptop batteries are something which runs out of charge after a certain period of time. Thus, they need to go through periodic recharge...
Stopping corruption in any place on a large scale is next to impossible. However, for how long can we expect to let this carry on in our countries? It...
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