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Button are one the most popular styling elements on the web, every where you look there are buttons and they come in all shapes and sizes. Learn how to...
Search engines weald a lot of power on the World Wide Web and over 90% of our search results comes either directly or indirectly from two databases, the...
Everyone likes Google; on the whole they treat webmasters fairly and continue to provide a superior search service. There is however a few things that...
Why is that we are all addicted to pagerank, is in not more important for our websites to rank well in search engines rather than have a high pagerank...
Which omes first, the article or the section? We take a quick look at the new article and the section elements and how they come together on a HTML5 webpage...
Once the nofollow attribute was hailed as the cure for web spam but has it now become a thorn in your side. Discover the negative effects using nofollow...
As one of the most powerful companies and best known brands on the planet you would not think many things would worry Google search engine. You might...
Take a look at the future of the html form with the use of these new HTML5 elements it is possible to bring your forms to life. read more... First Published...
The advent of HTML5 brings with it numerous new inputs avaliable for web designers and developers. Take a look at the new form input types and see how...
Recently Google announced that is was looking closely at what it classed as content farms and was in talks with its web spam team about what the best...
The new HTML5 elements bring with them a new way to build websites, not only must a page function well but it must also be semantically correct. HTML...
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