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According to the data and stats that were collected, '' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About '' Channel

Online Magazine on Vedic Astrology

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
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? Average Article Length

'' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



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Valentine Horoscope 2015

[...] can have over other signs, you will pave the way to a life full of fun and pleasure. Valentine Tip for Sagittarius:  Be honest and open and get your way. Capricorn: Stop concentrating on other [...]

Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga Meaning and Effects

[...] Hamsa Yoga is formed when Jupiter occupies the Kendra and is in its own sign Sagittarius and Pisces or [...]

Remedies for Strong Mangal Dosha

[...] known as the planet of war and deals with violence, aggression, anger and assault. The Anshik mangal dosha is a relatively minor dosha that usually happens if the native is manglik from either mangal [...]

Astrological Secret for a Happy Married Life

[...] if forming in the 7th and 8th house of the horoscope. Marital alliance is not recommended if Mangal Dosha is present in one horoscope and absent in another horoscope unless it gets cancelled due to [...]

Intercaste Love Marriage Horoscope Analysis

[...] a partner which has similar likes and dislikes, irrespective of caste, race and creed. Vedic Astrology horoscopes can tell us very easily if yoga for Inter caste marriage is there in the [...]

Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha of other planets

[...] life events.  The dasha system or the planetary period is an unique method in Vedic Astrology for forecasting life’s events. Even in dashas there are many different type of dasha  [...]

lakshmi yoga in Vedic astrology

Lakshmi Yoga is formed if lord of the Lagna is powerful and the 9th lord is in its own sign or exalted in kandra or trikona. This is one of the great [...]

How is Duryoga in Vedic Astrology formed and its effects

Duryoga is formed when lord of the 10th house is in the 6th, 8th and 12th house. The native will not derive the fruits of his efforts. He would be loo [...]

Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha of other planets

[...] known astrologers like Sri Mantreshwara have confirmed this in his famous work phaldeepika. Rahu Mahadasha Rahu is considered as  one of the most malefic force in ones chart and considering it as [...]

lakshmi yoga in Vedic astrology

[...] Lakshmi Yoga is formed if lord of the Lagna is powerful and the 9th lord is in its own sign or exalted in [...]

Betting on Online Horse Racing and Live Horses

[...] or suggestion, one should completely avoid indulging in such speculative activities. If the Birth Horoscope and Transit properly checked by an competent astrologer suggests gains from Online House [...]

Sade Satti 7 and 1/2 Years phase of Saturn

[...] its transit through the 12th, 1st and 2nd house from the position of the moon in the birth horoscope. This period lasts for 7 and ½ years and is known as the Sade Satti. An individual [...]

Procedure to wear a Gemstone should include energizing first

[...] your life of individuals. This impact is determined by the house they are placed in, in your birth horoscope. Each planet governs the different gemstones. Wearing gemstones that correspond with a [...]

Remedies for Strong Mangal Dosha

[...] to be most inauspicious when it is placed in the first, seventh & 8th house of the birth horoscope of an individual. This is said to be the most harmful placement of the planet which is also [...]

Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha of other planets

[...] like Sri Mantreshwara have confirmed this in his famous work phaldeepika. Rahu Mahadasha Rahu is considered as  one of the most malefic force in ones chart and considering it as [...]

Your Lucky Gemstone according to Numerology

[...] ring should be worn in the morning on Wednesday or Saturday on right hand middle finger. The Rahu mantra should be recited 108 times. Om Raam Rahave Namaha For Those Born on 5, 14, 23 of any month: [...]

?Key Phrases
Valentine Horoscope 2015

[...] can have over other signs, you will pave the way to a life full of fun and pleasure. Valentine Tip for Sagittarius:  Be honest and open and get your way. Capricorn: Stop concentrating on other [...]

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