Bible of God
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The word “Administrations” refers to “Terms”, as in “Periods of Time”. These were periods of many, many years, varying greatly in duration, in God’s...
This is a teaching I shared at Fellowship, on the topic of Reformation. Please feel to Download, Print and/or Share this teaching with others. It can...
Have you ever deeply wonder about why God would instruct Abraham to kill his own son? Well, you probably should. Isaac was a good young man; the son...
Angels are very popular in modern culture. Almost every Christian at some point in time, wonder about what angels really look like, what are they doing...
Easter, what does it truly mean? Where did Easter originate from? Is Easter truly a Christian celebration? I shall answer all of these interesting...
Easter, what does it truly mean? Where did Easter originate from? Is Easter truly a Christian celebration? I shall answer all of these interesting questions...
This is an important question that most people simply do not pay attention to. They usually simply accept the words and rituals of any local Pastor or...
This is an important question that most people simply do not pay attention to. They usually simply accept the words and rituals of any local Pastor or...
For many ages, the Birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour has been widely publicized as being on December 25th, 1BC. Thus we celebrate Christmas Day annually...
These three terms - Body, Soul and Spirit - are words that most of us have heard before, yet many do not understand what they truly mean. In this...
For many ages, the Birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour has been widely publicized as being on December 25th, 1BC. Thus we celebrate Christmas Day annually...
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