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Sexual Freedom and the War on Bible Morality A UK judge rules against Ashers Bakery on refusal to bake a cake promoting gay marriage. During the week...
The Future of Israel and the World IT should be apparent to all that man for the last 100 years has lived in a rapidly changing world. In fact since...
The UK election in the light of Bible prophecy God's hand at work with Tarshish The UK election has happened. The Conservative Party has got in with...
The UK election in the light of Bible prophecy God's hand at work with Tarshish The UK election has happened. The Conservative Party has got in with...
Iranian Nuclear Deal Helps Form Arab States into Biblical Alignment Saudia Arabia and the other Arab states are responding to the Iranian deal with ...
God With Us First Century Christians, predominantly Jews, were steeped in the teachings of the ancient Holy Scriptures. They believed God to be in control...
Paris terror attacks and the rise in European anti semitism World events like this are to be expected because we are living in the "Latter Days". What...
WHO IS GOD? What the Bible reveals MANY people say they believe in God but if you ask them what they believe about Him, an almost incredible vagueness...
Christ is Coming SOON! The world we live in is a world of contrasts. Many people of this world live a life of luxury and comfort. They seem to have...
Where did God come from An interesting science based answer for God. "Where did God come from?"or "Who made God?" are classic questions asked by sincere...
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[...] Russia's President Putin and the Gogian Style Rule in Bible Prophecy In a dramatic move Russia annexes Crimea. "Members of the Federation Council, deputies [...]
[...] Fulfilling Bible Prophecy 2014 in Review The year reviewed in the light of Bible prophecy by Another gentile year has come and gone and the Lord Jesus Christ [...]
[...] BIBLE TRUTH ABOUT THE ANTI-CHRIST Prophecy Is A Popular Topic Today Bible prophecy is becoming an extremely popular subject for discussion in today's Christian world. Ten or [...]
[...] BIBLE TRUTH ABOUT THE ANTI-CHRIST Prophecy Is A Popular Topic Today Bible prophecy is becoming an extremely popular subject for discussion in today's Christian world. Ten or [...]
[...] in the world rejoiced in Israel's victory against the much larger forces of the Arab armies. Bible students were thrilled to see prophecy fulfilling as Israel captured all of Jerusalem and the rest of [...]
[...] in the world rejoiced in Israel's victory against the much larger forces of the Arab armies. Bible students were thrilled to see prophecy fulfilling as Israel captured all of Jerusalem and the rest of [...]
[...] Preparation of the Russian Dragon The Re-Christianization of Russia, long looked for by Bible Students, is evident in the news today. Russia is the latter day Dragon of Revelation described as [...]
[...] divided in a north and south alliance around the nation of Israel. This alliance means that Bible students have long expected Britain to leave the European Union, and current events are fulfilling [...]
[...] Is your knowledge of Bible TRUTH and your BELIEF and WORSHIP of the ONE TRUE GOD able to SAVE YOU? JOHN CHAPTER 17 "1 These [...]
[...] has continued into our own day. Many prophecies are written to warn us that this corruption of Bible truth would be very prominent in the last days, just before its final destruction at the return of [...]
It was once fashionable in religious circles to say that Jesus Christ would never return to the earth. There are still plenty of professing Christians [...]
[...] for the remission of sins" (Acts 2:36,38). It should follow that our consideration of Bible truth concerning the Return of the Lord should also cause us to search our hearts. Other New [...]
[...] they have ie. they last occurred in 1967-8 - the year of the Jewish 6 Day War in which the Jewish people finally took the city of Jerusalem (God's City) back under their total control directly as [...]
[...] would experience after his ascension to heaven. Then he speaks particularly of the Jewish people: "They (the Jews) shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into [...]
[...] Make no mistake, nations have been and will be yet still be judged on their treatment of the Jewish people. As we are on the edge of the coming of the Messiah son the David we must say the future of [...]
[...] earth and of "the end of the world". He tells them first about the fate of the Jewish people: “They (the Jews) shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive [...]
[...] Proof that God will Intervene in World Events! No-one can have failed to have been appalled by the terrorist attacks (September 2001) on the [...]
&nbs [...]
[...] the current edition of the Bible Magazine). The Energy Weapon With the rising temperature of world events, Russia has started threatening the use of the energy weapon once again. Prices have already [...]
[...] In The News Russian tanks and heavy armour move across the border into eastern Ukraine, accompanied by Putin's denials of involvement and what would clearly be considered as [...]
[...] against Russia for its annexation of Crimea and its support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. Most painfully, the sanctions deny Russian businesses access to Western credit markets. The [...]
[...] the annexation of Crimea on 21st of March and the increased aggression by Russia on Eastern Ukraine. One commentator recently wrote that in 2014 "Great Russian chauvinism returned [...]
THE SABBATH IS IT A SPECIAL DAY FOR CHRISTIANS TODAY? 1. WHICH DAY IS THE SABBATH? The answer to this question may surprise you. The sabbath in the [...]
[...] COMING SOON - A TRUE BIBLE TEACHING BLOG This will allow all those who believe in God to express their thoughts about this site [...]
[...] earthquakes in the last 10 years! Earthquakes – Sign of Christ’s Return Christ is Coming! Bible Teaching About Christ's Return to Earth WHAT WE WILL COVER IN THIS ARTICLE: New Testament Teaching [...]
[...] Christ to the earth is vital to the fulfillment of the purpose of God. This booklet reviews Bible teaching about the Second Coming, both the events that will lead up to that miracle and the reason for [...]
[...] is all about the dramatic conflict with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Report by Matt Davies from At the time of writing Israel's forces have begun a ground [...]
[...] The REAL Armageddon - What the Bible Says By Matt Davies from The world is on the brink of crisis. One only has to look at the [...]
[...] future activities which will see Russia fulfill its role mapped out in Bible prophecy. This is Matt Davies joining you amongst momentous times. Russia in Bible Prophecy Bible students who have [...]
[...] into focus and give us indications like never before that soon the Lord will be here. This is Matt Davies joining you for the Bible in the news. We know that God’s purpose is with the earth. We are [...]
[...] shelves are stocked with them. Furthermore, we find in today's Christian television and radio programs that prophecy is becoming an increasingly popular subject, and as time goes on, it seems to [...]
[...] shelves are stocked with them. Furthermore, we find in today's Christian television and radio programs that prophecy is becoming an increasingly popular subject, and as time goes on, it seems to [...]
[...] shelves are stocked with them. Furthermore, we find in today's Christian television and radio programs that prophecy is becoming an increasingly popular subject, and as time goes on, it seems to [...]
[...] with his wife and eight children in Kfar Tapuach in the Shomron region of Israel, the Biblical heartland and what many call today the “West Bank.” David is the founder of the Shomron [...]
[...] to see prophecy fulfilling as Israel captured all of Jerusalem and the rest of the Biblical heartland of Israel - the hill country of Judah and Samaria. In July of 1967, H.P. Mansfield, a [...]
[...] to see prophecy fulfilling as Israel captured all of Jerusalem and the rest of the Biblical heartland of Israel - the hill country of Judah and Samaria. In July of 1967, H.P. Mansfield, a [...]
[...] Russia's President Putin and the Gogian Style Rule in Bible Prophecy In a dramatic move Russia annexes Crimea. "Members of the Federation Council, deputies [...]
[...] Fulfilling Bible Prophecy 2014 in Review The year reviewed in the light of Bible prophecy by Another gentile year has come and gone and the Lord Jesus Christ [...]
[...] BIBLE TRUTH ABOUT THE ANTI-CHRIST Prophecy Is A Popular Topic Today Bible prophecy is becoming an extremely popular subject for discussion in today's Christian world. Ten or [...]
[...] BIBLE TRUTH ABOUT THE ANTI-CHRIST Prophecy Is A Popular Topic Today Bible prophecy is becoming an extremely popular subject for discussion in today's Christian world. Ten or [...]
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