Brant Messenger
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I had to take down my mysql server and found a database called “#mysql50#lost+found”, once it came back up. I recalled how to get rid of the lost+found...
The Icarus Deception from Squarespace on Vimeo. The commonly understood moral of the story of Icarus is to play it safe, to obey authority. Don’t fly...
Get ahead of the curve on fast-moving, under-the-radar developments with these fresh ideas and trends to watch in the new year. Remember the days when...
The key statement of Fitts’s Law is that the time required to move a pointing device to a target is a function of the distance to the target and its...
Constantly undercharging, or not charging at all? Don’t give away the farm. Ask yourself these powerful questions to grow your confidence–and profits...
One company gives its team hefty bonuses…for getting away from the office and unplugging. How did we ever reach this point? Much of traditional...
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