Messenger from God
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So what do you really think of Paul? Just a casual question at table, but coming from a deep well of concern: Really, what happened in the first century...
This is a question for those called “people of the Book,” people united by a text they regard as Divine. How do they imagine the Book was written? Dictated...
“The challenge is upon the recipient at a time of Revelation. “And the Messenger will see before him, and you will see if you travel with him, all manner...
Foreign technology … is like giving drugs to a native tribe in the jungle, who then become addicted and enslaved to whoever provides these things.1 Different...
In 1989, from May 26 through June 14, Marshall Vian Summers spent hours at a time in direct communication with the Angelic Presence that watches over...
The final, and biggest in Neale Donald Walsch’s list of things we’ve gotten all wrong about God: God is separate from us. “What if God is not separate...
#15 in Neale Donald Walsch’s list of things we’ve gotten all wrong about God: God wants us to return to heaven. “What if God does not want us to return...
“It is not a human universe you are facing, and that is why your notions of Heaven and Hell are so incorrect, so limited and really pathetic.” –The Story...
[Once again picking up the thread of posts beginning last December discussing the reforms Neale Donald Walsch would like to make in religion] #13 in...
Do you have any trace of these characteristics of religious fundamentalism¹? Check your thinking. Do you believe that: You function in a bubble of isolation...
[Taking a break from the series treating the key points from God’s Message to the World by Neale Donald Walsch] You are like the trapeze artist who is...
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