Coastal Containers
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[...] grading system and which one is the most suitable for your individual storage needs. Coastal Containers have put together this quick guide to help you decide which container option is best for [...]
[...] , labs and accommodation. Available in different sizes including 10ft, 20ft and 40ft, Coastal Containers’ shipping containers can be modified to suit your working environment and tools or [...]
[...] and transported away – resulting in a smaller carbon footprint and infrastructure costs. Coastal Containers has an extensive range or new and used containers available for hire or purchase. Contact [...]
[...] steel exterior automatically create a look that’s edgy, earthy and of course industrial. Coastal Containers’ shipping containers are easily transported throughout Queensland and northern New South [...]
[...] Coastal Container’s DO’s & DON’Ts for packing a shipping container There are many ways to pack a shipping container, however there are some methods that are [...]
[...] environments…Canadian architect/designers Castor Canadensis created The Sauna Box. Using a shipping container, Castor Canadensis have created a water tight, functional sauna fitted with a wood fired [...]
[...] The humble shipping container is no longer used just as a tool for transporting and storing large or bulky items. While [...]
[...] , so together, Re:START and architects The Buchan Group, created a retail hub using shipping containers. A snippet from an article on the Re:START website, says project architect, Anton Tritt, of [...]
[...] system, Growtainers are ideal for small yards or communal gardens. Another example of how shipping containers are transforming urban gardens are PodPoinics. According to the PodPonics website, these [...]
[...] Shipping containers provide flexible, convenient storage and transport solutions. Shipping containers are commonly seen stacked several containers high at shipping yards and on the back of [...]
[...] The post 20ft High Cube Container appeared first on Coastal Containers. [...]
[...] The post 20ft General Purpose Container appeared first on Coastal Containers. [...]
[...] put together this quick guide to help you decide which container option is best for you. A Grade Containers: A-Grade Container usually 8-12 years old in good condition surface rust has been buffed &# [...]
Coastal Container’s DO’s & DON’Ts for packing a shipping container There are many ways to pack a shipping container, however there are some [...]
It is important to understand the container grading system and which one is the most suitable for your individual storage needs. Coastal Containers ha [...]
[...] quick guide to help you decide which container option is best for you. A Grade Containers: A-Grade Container usually 8-12 years old in good condition surface rust has been buffed & primed door [...]
[...] needs. Coastal Containers have put together this quick guide to help you decide which container option is best for you. A Grade Containers: A-Grade Container usually 8-12 years old in good [...]
[...] grading system and which one is the most suitable for your individual storage needs. Coastal Containers have put together this quick guide to help you decide which container option is best for [...]
[...] , labs and accommodation. Available in different sizes including 10ft, 20ft and 40ft, Coastal Containers’ shipping containers can be modified to suit your working environment and tools or [...]
[...] and transported away – resulting in a smaller carbon footprint and infrastructure costs. Coastal Containers has an extensive range or new and used containers available for hire or purchase. Contact [...]
[...] steel exterior automatically create a look that’s edgy, earthy and of course industrial. Coastal Containers’ shipping containers are easily transported throughout Queensland and northern New South [...]
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