Flash Daily
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Adobe AIR apps: Drum Pad Beats Drum Pad Beats is a fun beat/composer - scene/remixer to capture those ideas when that flash of inspiration hits while...
ezSTT ANE Brings Speech To Text to AS3 mobile games and applications. Apple and Google works with cloud services for Speech Recognition. This extension...
Starling extension: God Rays A quad that efficiently draws a 2D light ray effect on its surface. That’s useful for adding atmospheric effects, like...
Adobe Animate ‘Texture Atlas’ extension Starling extension that can load and play “Texture Atlas” animations that can be exported by Adobe Animate CC...
Character Animation: Walk Cycle Create a realistic walk cycle with Animate CC. Let your characters walk like they never did before. Creating a realistic...
ARKit Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS 11.0+ Add ARKit based Augmented Reality to your AIR apps. This ANE provides AS3 bindings for the ARKit API.
Adobe AIR games: The Button Game @Zwick: “1 idea, 2 friends, 3 years, 900 commits, 23.000 lines of code, 1 baby, 2 engagements, 1 wedding, 2 continents...
Adobe AIR games: Disc Golf To Go Disc Golf To Go is a wacky and wild take on the sport of disc golf available for iPhone/iPad. Avoid obstacles, plan...
Adobe AIR games: My Royal Horse Created with Adobe Animate CC, Flash Develop and Milkman ANE. More details on Behance. Download: iOS Android
Starling goodies: Quad Section A Starling Mesh that displays a slice of a quad (just like a pie chart, but rectangular). Useful e.g. for a circular progress...
Adobe MAX 2017 – Animate CC Resources Discover how to get started creating engaging animated and interactive content across multiple platforms in this...
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[...] Tutorial: Adobe AIR for iOS: Adding custom unsupported language for AppStore Time to time I get requests for adding [...]
[...] Flash Platform, OpenFL and Adobe AIR links Adobe Feeds are disappearing soon. So I thought it would be useful to publish a list of [...]
[...] Adobe AIR: Native Extension for files download on iOS7/8 With Background Transfer – ANE you can easily [...]
[...] Office Chair Zombie Attack Made with Adobe AIR with Flare3D and Starling. [...]
[...] Genome2D Devcast #4 Genome2D devcast about the new GitHub structure, refactoring changes in 1.1 and the all new UI component. # [...]
[...] Genome2D Devcast #5 Genome2D Devcast #5 is here with the second of probably more parts on the UI and further refactoring for the [...]
[...] Genome2D Devcast #6 Further talking about the Genome2D 1.1 UI components default values for element [...]
[...] January starter we have a few new releases at DiaDraw: multiplatform ANE Project template with source code for iOS and Android project template for Windows, with source code updates for iOS 8 for the [...]
[...] ApacheCon EU Slides & Source code: An Introduction To Apache Flex Unit Testing Apache Flex Applications Github Slides from my [...]
[...] . In this post I will show how you can achieve the same. Start by downloadin the source code below. More: Blog post Online demo Custom Flex PopUpMananger post with demo and source [...]
[...] Adobe AIR cross-platform apps: Bogga Christmas Tree Creative app to allow children to decorate their very own [...]
[...] Adobe AIR cross-platform apps: SITA IT Trends The SITA IT Trends Hub allows you to view current and historical [...]
[...] Adobe AIR cross-platform apps: My Memories Bring your memories into life with the “My Memories” app. Wedding, baby, [...]
[...] Developing of Adobe AIR Native Extensions of iOS. Tutorial 1 Finished my small #AdobeAIR ANE for iOS tutorial about Badges on [...]
[...] Distriqt ANE platform website Distriqt has developed a number of Adobe AIR Native Extensions for use with iOS and Android mobile platforms. These extensions enhance the power of [...]
[...] season with our Native Extensions 101 collection of articles and tutorials on making Adobe AIR Native Extensions. Enjoy! [...]
[...] Adobe AIR Native Extensions round-up: Developing of Adobe AIR Native Extensions of iOS. Tutorial 1 Augmented Reality ANE for iOS & Android Native Extensions 101 [...]
[...] and Flash I extended the last demo into a toy hacking using Arduino, a bar code scanner, an Air app and node.js to build the celphone validator. The idea is to scan some products and a fake product [...]
[...] user into participate with an installation using realtime tools on our side. Here I’m showing an AIR app connected to a small node app that takes the input from the AIR app and sends a SMS to the [...]
[...] to learn obj-C in XCode. and the outcome has been awesome. just having the AR work in our Air app on iOS along with Android without a glitch was a relief that made us forget all the [...]
[...] Currently does not exist a component to integrate the DicePlus with apps developed in the Flash Platform. We already developed a component used in the game Zaguts (iOS and Android), this ANE is a [...]
[...] a project for iOS and Android, open a world of possibilities for apps developed in the Flash Platform. [...]
[...] Flash Platform, OpenFL and Adobe AIR links Adobe Feeds are disappearing soon. So I thought it would be [...]
[...] Tutorial: Adobe AIR for iOS: Adding custom unsupported language for AppStore Time to time I get requests for adding [...]
[...] Flash Platform, OpenFL and Adobe AIR links Adobe Feeds are disappearing soon. So I thought it would be useful to publish a list of [...]
[...] Adobe AIR: Native Extension for files download on iOS7/8 With Background Transfer – ANE you can easily [...]
[...] Office Chair Zombie Attack Made with Adobe AIR with Flare3D and Starling. [...]
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