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QI GONG THERAPY: The Chinese Art of Healing with Energy WHAT THE QI GONG? BREATH AND ENERGY Qigong literally means “energy management”. Eastern culture...
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is an illness cause by a...
Qi Gong Chinese energy art What is Qi Gong? Qigong , pronounced ” chee kong” , is a traditional Chinese gymnastics to circulate the different...
What is Qi Gong? Qi is energy , the Breath Gong is our ability to implement internal processes mastery of Qi in the prospect of living long and healthy...
Chinese internal martial arts Internal Chinese martial arts ( nei jia ) or the principle of “acting by non-action ” (” wu wei &ldquo...
Measles, Are You Immunized ? Do not smile with this childhood illness, you, Adult may be in bad situation. What to do in case of measles ? Before the...
When Wu Tang Clan meets China Martial Arts movie It’s well know that WU TANG CLAN is a music winner band which appreciates chinese kung fu...
Wing Chun Fighting Art with Master Wong Wing Chun (basically Yong chun quan) or what ever how you spell it, is one of most famous martial arts...
Big Air Pollution all around in China Beijing, China, is suffering big peak of air pollution. Beijing air pollution is a fact in any ways. The alert is...
Hong Kong on the way to ban smoking in the city: Hong kong , no smoke, smoke-free, smoking ban city ? Charter of the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and...
Qi gong for beginners : how to start ? Qi gong is mainly about breathing. Breathing with some tips as body aligmentt vertically, visualisation, relax...
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