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We love Civilization VI. Actually we love all Civilization games (Yes, even Beyond Earth). We’ve clocked just under 500 hours played (Civ VI only), and...
When last we featured the stunning Charlotte McKinney she was busy hoarding Instagram followers and blasting her way through the modelling world. We...
Boromir’s Horn was a famous heirloom passed down by the Stewards of Gondor. When it was blown by the eldest son of the Steward it rang loud and caused...
Rebecca Romijn Stamos may not be as wildly known today as she was a few years back, but those of us who’s been around for a while will remember her very...
Released in 1998, “American History X” is a film that has since become a cult classic, known for its unflinching portrayal of racism, violence, and redemption...
Katee Sachoff and Tricia Helfer featured in our “Sexiest Battlestar Galactica” babes post some time ago, and in that post we referenced the popular “Acting...
What will be the fate of Sauron in Amazon’s Rings of Power season 2? This is the question all the non-Tolkien fans may be asking? And although most of...
If there’s one game we can think back to that kick-started our gaming / RPG then it was the 1992 classic Legends of Valour. I spent months playing this...
The last time we featured the GeekShizzle cosplay artist favourite Jessica Nigri was way back in 2019! It’s about time we catch-up with her and have a...
With Amazon Primes Rings of Power season two still a far away on the horizon, we look ahead to try and get a glimpse of what we can expect. Now that we...
Winamp was a popular media player for Windows operating systems that was first released in 1997. It was developed by Nullsoft, a company founded by Justin...
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