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[...] Red Rising (Red Rising Trilogy Book 1) by Pierce Brown This book is like The Hunger Games on steroids and if it was played by Grandmaster chess players! I want to do this book justice [...]
[...] The first time I read The Hunger Games was in May of 2011, on an actual physical book. I loved the first book in the series, was [...]
[...] or be entered in the giveaways. Some of the books I’m hoping to re-read this year: The Hunger Games by Susanne Collins Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery Bel Canto by Anne Patchett Momo by [...]
[...] a few DNFs that I didn’t like at all). I had four plus two books I loved (The Hunger Games trilogy counts as 1 plus 2), four books I liked, and four that I thought were so-so. [...]
[...] I succeeded in was reading 24 non-fiction books. LOL! Figures that the only goal I’d succeed in would be the reading one. Anyway, I enjoyed [...]
[...] again when I find a good source of fabric! And of course, I finished my goal of reading 24 non-fiction books in 2014! I should give myself props for achieving one goal, at least. LOL! The books I read [...]
[...] Last year, I had a goal to read 24 non-fiction books. I achieved it but it was kind of a lonely journey. This year I wanted to challenge myself [...]
[...] by May 2014, and I have 14 more books to go before the end of the year. If I complete 2 non-fiction books a month, that would do it, but I’m looking at a lot of interesting non-fiction books on my [...]
[...] What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty Alice Love is twenty-nine, crazy about her husband, and pregnant with her first child. So [...]
[...] Big Lit tle Lies by Liane Moriarty I became a huge fan of Liane Moriarty after reading her book, The Husband’s Secret, last year. She holds the title of Queen of [...]
[...] it’s also about personal strength. Buy this book on Amazon. 4. The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty The Husband’s Secret is deliciously mysterious! All throughout the first part of the [...]
I’ve read quite a lot of books since the last time I updated, about 34 books, but not all of them were good, so I’m just featuring some. I haven� [...]
What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty Alice Love is twenty-nine, crazy about her husband, and pregnant with her first child. So imagine Alice’s surp [...]
Big Lit tle Lies by Liane Moriarty I became a huge fan of Liane Moriarty after reading her book, The Husband’s Secret, last year. She holds the tit [...]
2014 was a great year for me in terms of books. I had such a hard time picking which books to feature for this post because there were too many books [...]
[...] Me Before You by Jojo Moyes I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about Jojo Moyes and her books, though not any one book specifically, so I wasn’t sure where to start. I figured [...]
[...] guess I needed something light after the last couple of books I read – Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, and Red Rising by Pierce Brown – and this book had just the right amount of fun and [...]
[...] it’s hard to like a book when you really don’t like the characters. 14. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes I’d heard a lot of good things about Jojo Moyes, and I was really looking forward to [...]
[...] Liane Moriarty is one of the best suspense writers I’ve ever read, and this book is one of my favorite books by her. In both this book and The Husband’s Secret, she builds up the suspense and the [...]
[...] on Amazon. 3. On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta This book has become one of my favorite books that I will read again and again. The synopsis of the book doesn’t actually tell us [...]
[...] I’ve been wanting to re-read a few of my favorite books for a while, but there was always some new book I had to read and then I just never took the [...]
[...] by Belle of the Literati and So Obsessed With. I’ve been wanting to re-read a few of my favorite books for a while, but there was always some new book I had to read and then I just never took the [...]
[...] . I guess the most “notable” things I’ve been doing recently are tarot and numerology readings, and teaching vocal lessons. I think I might have mentioned these in July or [...]
[...] tried it on my friends and family and found it to be so accurate, that I decided I would do Numerology readings too. So I added this to my offered services on MynasMoon. c. Starting MynasMoon.com has [...]
[...] probably also going to be easy for me to tie-in this challenge along with the Nonfiction Reading Challenge. The Healthy Lifestyle Books Reading Challenge 2015 is being hosted over at [...]
[...] I’m participating in the Nonfiction Reading Challenge hosted by Jennifer at The Introverted Reader this year! The Challenge: Read any non- [...]
[...] conversation with her. I just love her to bits! This book is the first book in my nonfiction reading challenge this year. 6. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty Liane Moriarty is one of the best [...]
Five months into 2014, it’s time again to update my progress on my 2014 goals! 1. Read 24 non-fiction books about topics I want to learn more abou [...]
It’s been a really long time since I last posted. I keep meaning to, and then I keep putting it off because then I felt I had so much to catch up on [...]
At the end of last year, I made some goals and resolutions for 2014. Now it’s the end of 2014, and it’s time to reflect but also make new goals an [...]
It’s been a really long time since I last posted. I keep meaning to, and then I keep putting it off because then I felt I had so much to catch up on [...]
[...] Red Rising (Red Rising Trilogy Book 1) by Pierce Brown This book is like The Hunger Games on steroids and if it was played by Grandmaster chess players! I want to do this book justice [...]
[...] The first time I read The Hunger Games was in May of 2011, on an actual physical book. I loved the first book in the series, was [...]
[...] or be entered in the giveaways. Some of the books I’m hoping to re-read this year: The Hunger Games by Susanne Collins Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery Bel Canto by Anne Patchett Momo by [...]
[...] a few DNFs that I didn’t like at all). I had four plus two books I loved (The Hunger Games trilogy counts as 1 plus 2), four books I liked, and four that I thought were so-so. [...]
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