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Rita Phillips commented on the group '50+ Triathletes'
Calvin Wattles and Karen Lewis joined iAmTRI
Jeff Smith commented on the group '50+ Triathletes'
Jeff Smith commented on the group '50+ Triathletes'
Bob Evans commented on the group '50+ Triathletes'
Jeff Smith commented on the group '50+ Triathletes'
Skip Slade commented on the group 'Ironman Chattanooga IMCN14'
Chuck Rifae commented on the group 'Ironman Chattanooga IMCN14'
Troy Elliot commented on the group '50+ Triathletes'
Scott Cathcart posted a blog post Why I Escape, from Alcatraz I have been a proud competitor in IMG’s Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon (http://www.escapefromalcatraztriathlon...
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