NV Life


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'NV Life' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'NV Life' Channel

the cure is within you

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'NV Life' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'NV Life' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (they make up more than a quarter of all content). In addition the channel contains materials of a basic readability level, making up more than a quarter of its content.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately NV Life has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Disability, Autism and Disorder- A perspective

[...] with society and not to relate to increasing harsh environment in their surroundings. mental disorder on the contrary, is not a choice so clearly defined at the soul level. It is one of the [...]

For 35 years, she waited for a day without medicine. When it happened, she chose...

[...] examples of family support as care giver. Family role in schizophrenia specifically and mental disorder in general is pivotal. During these 5 months, to be preventive, few remote healing sessions [...]

How disorders are formed

[...] Mental Disorder is a disease at Mind level. Like distress and disease, it is also caused by imbalance in [...]

Psychiatry and Spirituality: Suspecting “step brothers” who never went out for d...

[...] patient. They were very open as I unfolded all success stories of last 5 years in revering mental disorder, I heard their skepticism not towards my work but towards spirituality and unscientific [...]

Thyroid: Cause & Cure – Do it at home

[...] suppression. Disease before getting manifested on physical level, begins to get triggered at emotional level (read Science of Disease) and that has been the base of our treatment and we have been able [...]

Learn to heal- Introduction

[...] Distress is a disease at emotional level. Disorder is a disease at mental level and disease is a distress and disorder at physical [...]

What are my benefits from the program?

[...] . The healing performed during the workshop removes the obstacles at a spiritual & emotional level, facilitating higher vibrations. The science behind the techniques are understood & made [...]

What makes NV Life treatment and techniques so powerful and effective?

[...] , disease is an issue surfaced at physical level, disorder at mental level, distress at emotional level and feeling stuck and not contented at spiritual level. Our techniques by default integrate [...]

What is Deja Vu? Why Does It Happen To Some And Why Not To Others?

[...] and connects us to mystery. This effect is the very purpose of it to help us connect with inner self to let us believe that we are at the right place doing right thing in that situation. It comes [...]

Why The Good And Powerful Can Be Effective In Giving Curse?

[...] and intimate with self. The practice of meditation through which you feel guided by your inner self is the way to heal the effect of the any known/unknown curse acting upon us since time immortal [...]

some of the questions, demystified during workshop

[...] suffering is optional and pain is inevitable and why pain is the only medium to connect with inner self to discover deeper meaning of our life? 6. Why love turns illusive after a while and why [...]

9. If existence does not want us to remember our past lives, is it ok to push ou...

[...] is coming to us in the form of insights and intuitions if we are reasonably connected to our inner self. the task of knowing past lives seem to be the job of Mystic- those who want to discover deeper [...]

How Do We Know Child has Well Developed EGO

[...] is EGO. If child feels unsafe in some situations but overall feels loved, child’s emotional body has the wisdom not to react on anger of father. But if such occurrence are more often than [...]

Black Magic- Is It For Real? Are We All Vulnerable To It? Is There A Way To Bloc...

[...] any negative energy does not happen at mental level but at emotional level and access to emotional body is available to people in family and friends and often without we knowing anything about it. [...]

Science of Relationships

[...] begins to die. When we are in love, we are egoless. Ego being a gatekeeper of our emotional body, once down, leaves us vulnerable and open for attack. That is why a small remark from our [...]

Dance Of Wisdom in Mysticism At 4 AM

[...] and insights given to you at this time can be very bold and daring for which your emotional body may not be ready as it always want to be loved and protected and that clear need of you [...]

7 Quantum Principles Of Treatment For Health, Happiness And Relationship

[...] level. So when an ICU patient is declared “No hope” by doctors, that is lowest vibratory level where patient has no option but to give up. All we do in such cases is to raise the [...]

Science of health- Introduction

[...] being effortlessly attracts happiness, spirituality & material manifestations. At higher vibratory level, insights turn into intent, intent into desire and desire into manifestation. For example, [...]

How does it help heal my life in 20 minutes ?

[...] body but also damages the emotional state. The individual becomes a soft target in such vibratory level to attract struggle, aging and misery which leads to disease or disorder. The law of nature [...]

Memory Loss-Alzheimer/ Dementia – Is it really memory loss or choice of the cons...

[...] consciousness is fixed to pursue their passion hence have very loose connect to day life and survival issues. Treatment of memory loss is all about fine tuning the consciousness of the person to bring [...]

How does it help heal my life in 20 minutes ?

[...] consciousness is directly related to health. Due to our ever shrinking awareness related to survival issues and old patterns, we block the essential and much needed flow of life force energies. [...]

?Key Phrases
Disability, Autism and Disorder- A perspective

[...] with society and not to relate to increasing harsh environment in their surroundings. mental disorder on the contrary, is not a choice so clearly defined at the soul level. It is one of the [...]

For 35 years, she waited for a day without medicine. When it happened, she chose...

[...] examples of family support as care giver. Family role in schizophrenia specifically and mental disorder in general is pivotal. During these 5 months, to be preventive, few remote healing sessions [...]

How disorders are formed

[...] Mental Disorder is a disease at Mind level. Like distress and disease, it is also caused by imbalance in [...]

Psychiatry and Spirituality: Suspecting “step brothers” who never went out for d...

[...] patient. They were very open as I unfolded all success stories of last 5 years in revering mental disorder, I heard their skepticism not towards my work but towards spirituality and unscientific [...]

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