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In my last post, I said that husband and wife are “one flesh, one organism, biologically related.” This claim is at the heart of the Church’s opposition...
July 8 The commemoration of Saints Aquila and Prisca or Priscilla, his wife, who, being helpers of St. Paul the Apostle, welcomed the Church with the...
Catholic response to the recent SCOTUS decision has been varied. Many who have been in the trenches for years were disheartened; some priests have come...
As I have thought about the Supreme Court’s recent ruling and about the other moral confusions of our day—is it OK to kill children? can I kill grandma...
July 3 The feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle, who did not believe the other disciples when they announced that Jesus had risen, but, when Jesus himself...
June 29 The solemnity of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Simon, John’s son and Andrew’s brother, was the first among the disciples to confess the Christ...
In the general craziness of the month, I missed a couple of truly marvelous biblical saints: June 14 In Samaria or Sabaste in Palestine, the commemoration...
Over at Rorate Coeli, folks seemed to know what they thought of Pope Francis’s new encyclical the moment it came out. All they had to do was pump the...
Over at Patheos, my good friend Joseph Susanka maintains a blog that people actually read. So it was an honor when he posted (with permission) some words...
Austin Kleon, creativity guru, has this advice for literary types: “Don’t try to write a book while taking care of a newborn baby.” That, of course...
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[...] pace. R. Amen V. Go in peace. R. Thanks be to God. [To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.] [...]
[...] through the mercy of God rest in pace. R. Amen [To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.] [...]
[...] through the mercy of God rest in pace. R. Amen [To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.] [...]
[...] through the mercy of God rest in pace. R. Amen [To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.] [...]
[...] application, high scores are a great asset to the applicant. They are a great asset to the admissions committee as well, for a couple of reasons. First, home schooled students often don’t have any [...]
[...] transcript. Even transcripts from a private or public high school offer little to the admissions committee, because the committee doesn’t know what kind of standards were enforced at the high [...]
[...] really well because she was never really challenged? There is still very little for the admissions committee to sink its teeth into. To avoid all these problems, all you need to do is follow the [...]
[...] the hood and let us see the engine running. Second, tell your student to think about the admissions committee and how they will perceive things. This is just the age-old rhetorical truth that you [...]
[...] of culmination the line of reasoning in the previous articles. Having argued that the formal object of faith is the first Truth (1) and then drawn the immediate corollary that faith only [...]
[...] end in a way that exceeds our reason’s knowledge. So when St. Thomas later says that the formal object of faith is the First Truth (ST 2.2.1) he means God revealed as Truth, just as when he says [...]
[...] In Article 1, St. Thomas argued that the formal object of faith is the first Truth, God; then in Article 2, he balanced this point against the fact [...]
[...] Deum, and credere in Deum. As St. Thomas explains it, the first corresponds to the formal object of faith and the second to the material object of faith; we have looked at this distinction [...]
This fall my wife and I began our first year of home schooling at the high school level. When we sat down to plan the year’s curriculum, we drew o [...]
This is the third in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk a [...]
This is the seventh and final entry in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In thi [...]
This is the second in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk [...]
[...] In my last post, I will offer a few concluding thoughts about home schoolers and the persuasive college application. Next Post [...]
[...] in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk about • Standardized Tests • Outside Letter of [...]
[...] in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk about • Standardized Tests • Outside Letter of [...]
[...] in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk about • Standardized Tests • Outside Letter of [...]
This fall my wife and I began our first year of home schooling at the high school level. When we sat down to plan the year’s curriculum, we drew o [...]
This is the second in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk [...]
This is the third in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk a [...]
This is the fourth in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk [...]
[...] This is the second in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk about • [...]
[...] This is the third in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk about • [...]
[...] This is the fourth in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk about • [...]
[...] This is the fifth in a series of posts about how a homeschooling student can put together a persuasive college application. In this series, I talk about • [...]
[...] all the way through high school. But in addition, I served for a number of years on a college admissions committee, and I became familiar with what makes for a persuasive home school college [...]
[...] all the way through high school. But in addition, I served for a number of years on a college admissions committee, and I became familiar with what makes for a persuasive home school college [...]
[...] of an outside letter of reference. A letter from outside the family offers a college admissions committee a couple of advantages that Mom’s letter can’t match. First, someone who teaches in a [...]
[...] parent can put together a high school transcript that is actually helpful to the college admissions committee. Next Post [...]
[...] year I am directing a thesis on the virtue of faith for an excellent senior at Wyoming Catholic College. His questions have pushed me to take up something that first caught my interest [...]
[...] mean that you make a “happy experience” your immediate goal. When I was Academic Dean at Wyoming Catholic College, I took part once in a disciplinary decision. The student in question had not just [...]
[...] need you to help me complete a story I’ve been working on, all about a senior at Wyoming Catholic College who goes home for the holidays and meets up with some old friends. Read the [...]
[...] letter of reference to speak directly about that low test score. Our program at Wyoming Catholic College is reading intensive, and I recall reviewing an application from a student whose [...]
[...] about the student essay. The essay contributes something very important to an application, because it is the only [...]
[...] the student has covered the usual high school topics or something more exotic. Finally, the student essay is usually the only part of the application that allows the admission committee to see the [...]
[...] student’s own work. In my next post, I’ll share a couple of thoughts about the role of the student essay in the college application. Next Post [...]
[...] pace. R. Amen V. Go in peace. R. Thanks be to God. [To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.] [...]
[...] through the mercy of God rest in pace. R. Amen [To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.] [...]
[...] through the mercy of God rest in pace. R. Amen [To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.] [...]
[...] through the mercy of God rest in pace. R. Amen [To learn about praying this and other Martyrology entries, see this page.] [...]
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