
Channel Reputation Rank


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'PIPE SPIES, INC' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'PIPE SPIES, INC' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'PIPE SPIES, INC' Channel

Pipe spies beta 2 On Trident

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'PIPE SPIES, INC' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'PIPE SPIES, INC' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'PIPE SPIES, INC' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately PIPE SPIES, INC has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Nominated as the BEST Video Pipe Inspectors in Colorado

[...] BREAKING NEWS! Pipe Spies, Inc. has been nominated as THE BEST VIDEO PIPE INSPECTORS in Colorado with the Experience Pros [...]

Denver Area Video Pipeline Inspectors

[...] An unbiased assessment from Denver area Video Pipeline Inspectors, Pipe Spies, will buy you more than a look inside your pipes… It will buy you peace of mind. What is Pipe [...]

Why a Sewer Scope is an Added Value Resource for REALTORS®

[...] .com www.Facebook.com/MyDenverRealtor Call 303-795-3630 for more information about Pipe Spies, Inc. and experience first-hand what sets us apart from the “cheaper sewer guys”. The post Why [...]

Leach Field, Landscaping and a Fishy Surprise

[...] Starting a Landscaping Project?  There are some things YOU need to know. Pipe Spies was called out in May 2014, to a property in Parker, Colorado. The Problem:  Liquid was not [...]

How to Maintain Sewer Lines

[...] this question with some quick and simple tips and solutions. How can I properly maintain my sewer line? Limit Food Waste.  The main way to maintain your sewer line is to refrain from putting any [...]

4 Situations When Home Owner’s Need a Video Pipe Inspection

[...] line repaired by that particular company.  More about this later… You may in fact have a bad sewer line that needs to be fully replaced.  Bummer!  Make sure you get all the facts before moving [...]

Sewer Scope Denver – Commercial Property

[...] salt cave to where the existing drain was located, 3.) the beginning depth of the existing sewer line was only 8″ deep, 4.) the type of existing pipe (clay, cast iron, ABS or PVC), 5.) that the [...]

Strange Thing Found in a Sewer Pipeline.

[...] What is one of the strangest things you have seen in a sewer line? Believe it or not, this is the number one question our field technicians get asked. After [...]

Why a Sewer Scope is an Added Value Resource for REALTORS®

[...] REALTOR® Sandra Shayler Volume #1 Why a Sewer Scope? In 2008 I was the Buyer’s Agent for a couple purchasing a three year old home in Highlands [...]

4 Situations When Home Owner’s Need a Video Pipe Inspection

[...] its integrity from an inside perspective.  The most common is referred to as a “sewer scope”, and is simply an inspecti on of a home’s sewer mainline  (also known as the  [...]

Sewer Scope Denver – Commercial Property

[...] We were recently called out to complete a sewer scope and location for a prospective tenant of a flat retail commercial building in Denver, Colorado. [...]

4 Situations When Home Owner’s Need a Video Pipe Inspection

[...] First, you may be wondering, “What is a video pipe inspection anyway?” A video pipe inspection in its simplest form is moving a specialized video camera through a pipe and inspecting [...]

Why a Sewer Scope is an Added Value Resource for REALTORS®

[...] , regardless of the age of the property. Why Pipe Spies? Paying Pipe Spies to complete a video pipe inspection and form a professional opinion of the sewer pipeline condition, is a small investment [...]

A High-Rise Non-Sewer Scope – Denver

[...] related services in Denver and the surrounding area.  See what sets us apart from the “cheaper” sewer guys. The post A High-Rise Non-Sewer Scope – Denver appeared first on Pipe Spies, Inc.. [...]

Nominated as the BEST Video Pipe Inspectors in Colorado

[...] about Pipe Spies, Inc. and experience first-hand what sets us apart from the “cheaper sewer guys”.  And vote! The post Nominated as the BEST Video Pipe Inspectors in Colorado appeared first on [...]

Why a Sewer Scope is an Added Value Resource for REALTORS®

[...] about Pipe Spies, Inc. and experience first-hand what sets us apart from the “cheaper sewer guys”. The post Why a Sewer Scope is an Added Value Resource for REALTORS® appeared first on Pipe [...]

4 Situations When Home Owner’s Need a Video Pipe Inspection

[...] buying a home, what are some other reasons or situations when a home owner would want their sewer pipes inspected? 1)  Sewer Problems - Okay, so you’ve been having problems with your sewer [...]

How to Maintain Sewer Lines

[...] that wonder how to keep their sewer lines clean, and prevent a backup or clog in their sewer pipes. In this post we’d like to answer this question with some quick and simple tips and [...]

Remember Your Roots and Sewer Pipe

[...] kickbacks or referral fees, BUT gives a professional, experienced and honest opinion of your sewer pipeline’s condition. More about this subject in my next blog. For now, REMEMBER YOUR ROOTS, plant [...]

Strange Thing Found in a Sewer Pipeline.

[...] strange things we recently found: Give us a call today. The post Strange Thing Found in a Sewer Pipeline. appeared first on Pipe Spies, Inc.. [...]

Remember Your Roots and Sewer Pipe

[...] 10 feet from driveways, sidewalks and patios. If you suspect root infiltration in your mainline sewer, what should you do?  Do your due diligence and obtain a sewer video pipe inspection [...]

Why a Sewer Scope is an Added Value Resource for REALTORS®

[...] up concrete floors in the house. The Moral of the Story After this incident, I recommend a camera sewer scope (video pipeline inspection) to every buyer I work with, so this unfortunate situation does [...]

4 Situations When Home Owner’s Need a Video Pipe Inspection

[...] pipe inspection anyway?” A video pipe inspection in its simplest form is moving a specialized video camera through a pipe and inspecting its integrity from an inside perspective.  The most [...]

?Key Phrases
Nominated as the BEST Video Pipe Inspectors in Colorado

[...] BREAKING NEWS! Pipe Spies, Inc. has been nominated as THE BEST VIDEO PIPE INSPECTORS in Colorado with the Experience Pros [...]

Denver Area Video Pipeline Inspectors

[...] An unbiased assessment from Denver area Video Pipeline Inspectors, Pipe Spies, will buy you more than a look inside your pipes… It will buy you peace of mind. What is Pipe [...]

Why a Sewer Scope is an Added Value Resource for REALTORS®

[...] .com www.Facebook.com/MyDenverRealtor Call 303-795-3630 for more information about Pipe Spies, Inc. and experience first-hand what sets us apart from the “cheaper sewer guys”. The post Why [...]

Leach Field, Landscaping and a Fishy Surprise

[...] Starting a Landscaping Project?  There are some things YOU need to know. Pipe Spies was called out in May 2014, to a property in Parker, Colorado. The Problem:  Liquid was not [...]

? Locations

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