Proctor It


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Proctor It' channel has an outstanding rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Proctor It' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Proctor It' Channel


? Updates History Monthly Yearly
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? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1ImagesLinksTexts
? Average Article Length

Medium-length materials prevail on 'Proctor It' that may be an effective tactic to grip their readers’ attention with a wider range of helpful content. There are also longer items making up more than a quarter of all articles, which can provide a deeper insight into their subjects. Moreover, there are a few short articles.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'Proctor It' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (there are just a few of them). In addition the channel contains some materials of a basic readability level.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up more than a quarter of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Proctor It has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Erlang Thursday – lists:member/2

To go with this weeks Ruby Tuesday post about Enumerable#include?, I decided I would highlight Erlang’s counterpart, lists:member/2. Sidebar for th [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:seq

[...] My goal of these Erlang Thursday’s for the next while will be to show off the “corresponding” functions in Erlang for the Ruby [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:max/1

[...] of your favorite Erlang functions, or even just ones you would like to see a future Erlang Thursday post about? And don't forget to check out the last Tuesday's Ruby Tuesday on Enumerable# [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:flatten/1

[...] Today’s Erlang Thursday function is lists:flatten/1. lists:flatten/1 flattens out an arbitrarily deep list of Erlang [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:foldl/3 and lists:foldr/3

Today’s Erlang Thursday is lists:foldl/3 and lists:foldr/3. lists:foldl/3 is Erlang’s version of the reduce function. lists:foldl/3 takes a funct [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:zip/2

Today’s Erlang Thursday is lists:zip/2. lists:zip/2 returns a new list of two-tuples, from the corresponding elements of the two lists passed as ar [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:partition/2

Today’s Erlang Thursday is lists:partition/2. lists:partition/2 takes two arguments, a predicate function that will be called for every entry in th [...]

Erlang Thursday – timer:tc/3

Today’s Erlang Thursday is on timer:tc/3. I am sure we have all written some timing code where we capture the current time, do something, capture t [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#include?

I was going to write up another method in the Ruby standard library, but was going to use the include? in some of the examples, so I decided I should [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#max

Today’s Ruby function in Enumerable#max. Enumerable#max will find the largest item in an enum of items that are Comparable. This means it works ag [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#map aka collect

Today’s Ruby Tuesday method is Enumerable#map, also known as Enumerable#collect. Enumerable#map is a function with a long lineage. Enumerable#map t [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#reduce aka inject

Today’s Ruby Tuesday is Enumerable#reduce, also known as Enumerable#inject. Enumerable#reduce works against an enum and takes a initial value for t [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Array#flatten

Today’s Ruby Tuesday is Array#flatten. Array#flatten returns a new array that has been recursively flattened into a one dimensional array. Ruby al [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#zip

Today’s Ruby Tuesday covers Enumerable#zip. Enumerable#zip weaves together elements of multiple Enumerables. It iterates through each item in the e [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Benchmark::realtime

Today’s Ruby Tuesday is on Benchmark::realtime. How many times have you written this Ruby method? And truthfully, how many different times have yo [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Proc#call

Today’s Ruby Tuesday is Proc#call. Procs are blocks of code that are bound to local variables, and as such, we need a way to be able to invoke them [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:dropwhile/2

[...] Today’s Erlang Thursday is lists:dropwhile/2. lists:dropwhile/2 takes a predicate function and a list, and returns a list where the first series of items for which the predicate [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:any/2

[...] Today’s Erlang Thursday function of the week is lists:any/2. lists:any/2 takes a predicate function as the first argument, and a list to iterate over as its second argument. lists:any/2 [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:filter/2

[...] Today’s Erlang Thursday is on lists:filter/2. lists:filter/2 takes two arguments, a predicate function and a list to iterate over. The return value is a list of items for which the predicate [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:partition/2

[...] Today’s Erlang Thursday is lists:partition/2. lists:partition/2 takes two arguments, a predicate function that will be called for every entry in the list, and returns a boolean value. The second [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:map/2

[...] as well. On Functions in Erlang If you look at the first example above, you see that the first argument we are passing is fun(X) -> X + 1 end. This is Erlang’s syntax for an anonymous function. [...]

Erlang Thursday – erlang:apply/3

[...] . The erlang module also includes a version erlang:apply/2 that takes a function as it’s first argument, and a list of the arguments to be passed to the function as it’s second argument. While [...]

Erlang Thursday – string:tokens/2

[...] Today’s Erlang Thursday is string:tokens/2. string:tokens/2 takes a string as the first argument, and a list of separators to split the string on, and returns a list of token strings. If [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:foldl/3 and lists:foldr/3

[...] a function, an initial accumulator value, and a list, and returns a single value. The first argument given to foldl is a function that takes two arguments, the item currently iterating [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:any/2

[...] , and a list to iterate over as its second argument. lists:any/2 returns true if the predicate function returns true for any of the elements in the given list, otherwise, lists:any/2 returns false. [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:dropwhile/2

[...] . Unlike lists:filter/2, lists:dropwhile/2 stops checking the list as soon as the predicate function returns false. This means that elements for which the predicate function would return true can [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:partition/2

[...] two-tuple, with the first item in the tuple being the list of those items for which the predicate function returns true. The second item in the tuple is a list of those items for which the predicate [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:filter/2

[...] function and a list to iterate over. The return value is a list of items for which the predicate function returns true for that item. –Proctor [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#partition

[...] array of two arrays. The first item in the returned array is an array of items for which the block returns a truthy value. The second item in the returned array are the items for which the block [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#select

[...] #select has a counterpart of Enumerable#reject which returns an array of items for which the block returns a falsey value. If all items are found to meet the criteria, Enumerable#reject returns an [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#any?

[...] Tuesday entry covers Enumerable#any?. Enumerable#any? takes a block and returns true if the block returns a truthy value for any of the elements in the enumeration, otherwise it returns false. The [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#drop_while

[...] items from the beginning of the enum up to, but not including, the first element for which the block returns a non-truthy value. Evaluation stops, and does not check the rest of the list if a falsey [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#drop_while

[...] returns a non-truthy value. Evaluation stops, and does not check the rest of the list if a falsey value is returned. This will leave other values in the list that might return a falsey value, unlike [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#partition

[...] value. The second item in the returned array are the items for which the block returns a falsey value. –Proctor [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#any?

[...] for all elements. While Enumerable#none checks the that return value of the block is a falsey value for all elements. Both Enumerable#all? and Enumerable#none? are both eager as well. – [...]

Ruby Tuesday – Enumerable#select

[...] counterpart of Enumerable#reject which returns an array of items for which the block returns a falsey value. If all items are found to meet the criteria, Enumerable#reject returns an empty array. – [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:flatten/1

Today’s Erlang Thursday function is lists:flatten/1. lists:flatten/1 flattens out an arbitrarily deep list of Erlang terms, into a “flattened” [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:any/2

Today’s Erlang Thursday function of the week is lists:any/2. lists:any/2 takes a predicate function as the first argument, and a list to iterate ov [...]

?Key Phrases
Erlang Thursday – lists:member/2

To go with this weeks Ruby Tuesday post about Enumerable#include?, I decided I would highlight Erlang’s counterpart, lists:member/2. Sidebar for th [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:seq

[...] My goal of these Erlang Thursday’s for the next while will be to show off the “corresponding” functions in Erlang for the Ruby [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:max/1

[...] of your favorite Erlang functions, or even just ones you would like to see a future Erlang Thursday post about? And don't forget to check out the last Tuesday's Ruby Tuesday on Enumerable# [...]

Erlang Thursday – lists:flatten/1

[...] Today’s Erlang Thursday function is lists:flatten/1. lists:flatten/1 flattens out an arbitrarily deep list of Erlang [...]

? Locations

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