Ray del Sole
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Dear Readers, I like to thank you very much for reading my posts here over the years! Today I will close this wordpress blog to continue at my new blog...
Dear Readers, I am going to close this blog on wordpress as I have moved it to the new address http://sura-blog.raydelsole.com/ Please check if you...
Dear readers and spiritual fellows, my blog moves to a new domain: http://sura-blog.raydelsole.com/ I think that you do not need to change anything...
As human beings we experience a diversity of negative influences, of negative people, negative space energies, negative beings, negative thoughts and...
We human beings have countless problems which provide countless questions which ask for answers. While it seems that only complex answers can offer real...
Many spiritual people have problems in their lives. On the one hand the spiritual attitude in an atheistic-materialistic society with pure “money making...
We have many religions in the world. All proclaim that they have divine origins, that they come directly from God or the gods. Sometimes the religious...
Today we meet everywhere nice sayings of wise people, especially on facebook. They are often set on a nice picture with a nice face of a wise man. These...
Recently I had to read some pages full of wisdom, – esoteric mainstream wisdom. What is so amazing about this special kind of “wisdom”? It is fascinating...
I believe in Teletubbies and you? Are you informed about the higher truths? Do you know the latest revelations of scientific research? No? Then it is...
Today I want to share some thoughts about the countless stories which are circulating especially in our times. It is important to take a deeper look on...
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[...] with the frame. The frame for this game is creation. Simplified said we have a sphere of the divine spirit, divine light, the origin of life, of power and virtues in perfection. Then we have lower [...]
[...] (human) temple. The precious vine is in the crystal carafe. Now you can ask what the divine spirit is. Your original nature is pure spirit. Through all your incarnations you have individualized [...]
[...] of gods, goddesses and all kinds of other beings. And besides this they knew about the highest Divine Spirit. And as usual every being had its function and was worshipped for according blessings or [...]
[...] your own reality, your own world. And when we go even higher then we can see that God, the divine spirit has created the worlds through his imagination, that there are countless realities. So indeed [...]
[...] transforms these powers into something positive then he has great energy to go through the spiritual training and also to achieve his goals in life. So this animal power is quite useful and also [...]
[...] desires or wishes. You are totally happy with what you have, even if it is nothing but spiritual training and a hard life. And now we compare this with the attitude of today: Imagine that you have [...]
[...] The spiritual training consists of many aspects. It is in main about cleaning, healing and refining of the soul [...]
[...] elements and the center point as the ruling fifth element. This perfection is reached by spiritual training but there are also masters of arts who have realized main principles of this attitude by [...]
[...] a solution which is good for both of them. This is natural and positive. Now imagine that a normal human and a psychopath are meeting. The psychopath is not marked, so that the normal person takes [...]
[...] A normal human being knows only the normal state of mind and has no idea about the special state of mind of [...]
[...] more comprehensible, so that you know what is waiting for you. We have to start with the normal human being as this is the basis for spiritual development. The energy of a normal human is quite [...]
[...] A normal human is marked by the imbalance of the four elements in his character. One or two elements often [...]
[...] is to stay cool about these things and to prefer to focus on the light, on your spiritual development instead of adventures in the dark realms. This you can do later when you are spiritually [...]
[...] For the spiritual development and training it is necessary to work with trance. It is the meditative state where you [...]
[...] experiences, so that he learns to create consciously his life for the benefit of all. This spiritual development takes a lot of time. The main problem is that the human being creates good and bad [...]
[...] can serve mankind or control it. We can use life to create happiness and to support our spiritual development or we can use it in a self-destructive way. The question might be why we choose to 99% the [...]
[...] Vital energy is the basis of life and when we supply vital energy to a body, the body starts to use it for its functions like fuel. But normal vital energy is [...]
[...] and to maintain your level of energy to reach your aims. Personal power means the level of vital energy, will power, belief, endurance, motivation, etc. Lacking of motivation Motivation means that [...]
[...] /quality is set. This is the main formula! And it is already good when you are able to focus on vital energy surrounding you, impregnating it with your wish and then inhaling it, etc. You imagination [...]
[...] has a high capacity of physical power while a spiritual student can have a great capacity of vital energy due to his special training. And a coach potato lacks of all kinds of energies. He has an [...]
[...] be used for vitalizing, balancing, healing, enlightening and uplifting of your mind, soul and energy system in general. It also increases your ingenuity. The energy really brings light into your [...]
[...] light. When this refinement of the mental body and the astral body is achieved then the whole energy system with all centers/chakras, nadis and structures is so fine, so powerful, so light, so high in [...]
[...] flavor to normal vital energy and then you have a good healing energy which activates the energy system and supplies the normal fuel for all kinds of needs. It is good to think about it and for the [...]
[...] subconsciousness, etc. Here you have full access to all functions of your mind, soul, energy system and body. For most students it is the great question how to get in a good and useful [...]
Although we do not live any longer in the dark middle age, good spiritual people still suffer from the incompatibility of their sexual orientation and [...]
[...] , simplifying inner teachings and higher law for the purpose of keeping a good moral of normal people. From this idea or aim also these “funny” teachings are derived that a really bad guy [...]
[...] orientate themselves on you, to learn from you instead of complaining. So all these normal people, these “good guys” are the real devils for you. They are as stupid and annoying as flies [...]
[...] of puppets. And certainly they are everywhere in all institutions, even in those where normal people think that they are good. Let´s turn now to the Suras. These are mature, old souls [...]
[...] all the challenges in life. It manifests the right attitude in the soul of the spiritual student to make his way. I dedicate this prayer with love to all my dear brothers and sisters [...]
[...] and maturity. For example, a trained athlete has a high capacity of physical power while a spiritual student can have a great capacity of vital energy due to his special training. And a coach potato [...]
[...] and right and wonderful to experience life as a plant, as an animal, as human being, as a spiritual student, as a spiritual master, as an enlightened being, as a god… Life has been invented to enjoy [...]
[...] a lot of suffering which can only be ended by spiritual studies and spiritual training. The spiritual student has to unveil the truth. This gives a deeper understanding of the purpose of life which [...]
[...] is waiting for you, what you can expect. A second comparison which is useful is to think of normal humans as young children and of enlightened masters as grown-ups. This fits also very well the facts. [...]
[...] pick out something everyone knows and very it is very useful to rethink it. Imagine that two normal humans are meeting for business or for a doing something together. Now the point is that both have [...]
[...] with the frame. The frame for this game is creation. Simplified said we have a sphere of the divine spirit, divine light, the origin of life, of power and virtues in perfection. Then we have lower [...]
[...] (human) temple. The precious vine is in the crystal carafe. Now you can ask what the divine spirit is. Your original nature is pure spirit. Through all your incarnations you have individualized [...]
[...] of gods, goddesses and all kinds of other beings. And besides this they knew about the highest Divine Spirit. And as usual every being had its function and was worshipped for according blessings or [...]
[...] your own reality, your own world. And when we go even higher then we can see that God, the divine spirit has created the worlds through his imagination, that there are countless realities. So indeed [...]
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