Reshape Your Life


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last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Reshape Your Life' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Reshape Your Life' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Reshape Your Life' Channel

from the inside out.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Reshape Your Life' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Reshape Your Life' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Reshape Your Life' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Reshape Your Life has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Birth Choices: The How, Why and Where.

[...] at all, though this would be the most “economical” option. Which brought me to the idea of a Birth Center.  There are a few different types of birth centers, there are those that are attached and [...]

Pregnancy: Week 36

[...] ’s number and a list of things to bring to the birth center when I’m in labor.  I’m also going for appointments weekly now, so things are definitely [...]

Baby Janecka’s Birth Story

[...] didn’t go as planned.  I was sad that I wasn’t going to be able to have the birth at the birth center that I had wanted, but I was 150% ok with doing what needed to be done for our baby!  I did [...]

Cloth Diaper 101: The Basics

[...] it until I am pretty well versed on the subject.  So when I first started thinking about using cloth diapers I of course read ALL THE THINGS that had anything to do with cloth diapering.  And quite [...]

Thoughts on Motherhood… 14 days in.

[...] only using a couple cloth diapers a day right now and definitely disposables at night so I can get SOME sleep, otherwise I am [...]

Pregnancy: Weeks 30-33!

[...] fun posts coming up about birth choices, a nursery tour (it’s almost done) and a post about cloth diapers!  Stay tuned! [...]

24 Weeks Pregnant!

[...] didn’t know that’s what they were!  At my midwife appointment (I’ll do a post about “birth choices” soon) she was poking around feeling how things were in the belly and she asked if I [...]

Birth Choices: The How, Why and Where.

[...] as there are healthy babies and mommas at the end, the “right” choices were made. Birth choices, it’s probably one of the most exciting things to consider when you are trying to [...]

Pregnancy: Weeks 30-33!

[...] on top of these from now on since the end is near… I also have some fun posts coming up about birth choices, a nursery tour (it’s almost done) and a post about cloth diapers!  Stay tuned! [...]

Pregnancy: Second Trimester (so far)

[...] So here I am, almost done with my second trimester and I feel like I have SO much to share that I have been a bit overwhelmed to sit down and [...]

Pregnancy: First Trimester

[...] good, we even went public on Facebook at that point, that REALLY made it real. Coming up: Second Trimester (so far). [...]

25 & 26 Weeks Pregnant!

[...] I’ve got a little catching up to do so we’ll make this short and sweet! And so ended the second trimester! Crazy how time flies! [...]

Pregnancy: Week 38

Week 38 was relatively uneventful.  Not too much to report, just finishing up small last minute things! One thing worth mentioning that this was my [...]

Pregnancy: Second Trimester (so far)

So here I am, almost done with my second trimester and I feel like I have SO much to share that I have been a bit overwhelmed to sit down and actually [...]

Pregnancy: Weeks 30-33!

Whew!  This pregnancy is just flying by, I can’t believe I’m this far along, baby could be here in as little as 3 weeks (I’m currently 34 weeks [...]

Birth Choices: The How, Why and Where.

Disclaimer:  This post is not meant to start any wars.  I am a true believer in every woman laboring and delivering however she wants/needs to.  I [...]

Third Trimester! (27-29 Weeks Pregnant!)

Holy cow, I can’t believe I’m in the third trimester already! It’s absolutely crazy how fast time is flying by.  I’m getting a little overwhe [...]

24 Weeks Pregnant!

Are you shocked? I’m actually doing an update like I said I would, and although I’m technically 25 weeks as of today; at least I’m getting this [...]

25 & 26 Weeks Pregnant!

I’ve got a little catching up to do so we’ll make this short and sweet! And so ended the second trimester! Crazy how time flies! [...]

Pregnancy: Week 40!

[...] with the dog about six times a week.  I’m very crampy these days and having LOTS of braxton hicks contractions that are occasionally quite painful (major pelvic pressure), but nothing is telling me [...]

24 Weeks Pregnant!

[...] belly and she asked if I could feel the tightness she was and told me that those were Braxton Hicks Contractions. For some reason I thought those happened later in pregnancy, then I realized I’m [...]

?Key Phrases
Birth Choices: The How, Why and Where.

[...] at all, though this would be the most “economical” option. Which brought me to the idea of a Birth Center.  There are a few different types of birth centers, there are those that are attached and [...]

Pregnancy: Week 36

[...] ’s number and a list of things to bring to the birth center when I’m in labor.  I’m also going for appointments weekly now, so things are definitely [...]

Baby Janecka’s Birth Story

[...] didn’t go as planned.  I was sad that I wasn’t going to be able to have the birth at the birth center that I had wanted, but I was 150% ok with doing what needed to be done for our baby!  I did [...]

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