See Jackie Runn


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'See Jackie Runn' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'See Jackie Runn' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'See Jackie Runn' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'See Jackie Runn' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'See Jackie Runn' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately See Jackie Runn has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Whole Foods Wines From Italy Class

[...] DOCG wine bottles then are sealed with a numbered governmental deal across the cap or cork. Tampa Bay Bloggers at Whole Foods We continued on tasting the various Italian wines. Each one of them had a [...]

Jersey Boys at the Straz

[...] hope you get to see this awesome show. You won't regret it! *As a member of the Tampa Bay Bloggers, I received two complimentary tickets for Jersey Boys in exchange for my [...]

Ghost the Musical

[...] stage.  For Ghost the Musical tour information click here. *As a member of the Tampa Bay Bloggers, I received two complimentary tickets for Ghost the musical in exchange for my review. [...]

Let's Get Rad!!! - Color Me Rad 5k

[...] . If you're interested in being at this race you have several options. First the Tampa Bay Bloggers are hosting a twitter Party on May 1st at 8pm EST.  There will be a chance to [...]

Let's Get Rad!! - My Recap of the Color Me Rad 5k

[...] or speed or PRs. Well what better way to enjoy a "race" than participating in the Color Me Rad 5k?! Yes it's a "race". Yes it's a 5k. But you don't have to be an establisher [...]

I'll Take A Margarita!

[...] we're both fans of the drink. The festival also, like last year, fell on the same day as the Color Me Rad 5k. We were going to be busy bees that day. We ran our race in the morning. It was hot, and we [...]

Let's Get Rad!!! - Color Me Rad 5k

[...] ? Make sure you have fun with your running! And what better way to do that then a race like Color Me Rad?  The Color Me Rad 5k is an awesome way to just let loose and have a little fun. And it's [...]

STOMP at the Straz Center

[...] and stunts provided a very funny and entertaining performance.  Picture credit to the Straz Center. And then there was the audience participation. There were times where the performers got you [...]

Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella at the Straz #CinderellaTour

[...] I was offered a pair of opening night tickets to Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella at the Straz Center I got super excited. We arrived to the Straz early, eagerly awaiting the performance. We grab [...]

Jersey Boys at the Straz

[...] on my face. It may sound a bit cliche, but they just don't make music the way they used to. Straz Center Jersey Boys tells the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. It shows the audience how [...]

Ghost the Musical

[...] I enjoyed the movie so much I was looking forward to the musical rendition. We arrived at the Straz Center with excitement about what we were about to see. I was wondering how they were going to [...]

Staying Motivated

[...] keeps us going. It's what gets us up at crazy early hours for our long runs during marathon training. It's what gets us working out on days which we feel tired. It's what keeps us working [...]

Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer - A Review

[...] a pre-workout formula might be just what I need to help during the many months of marathon training I have ahead of me.  So what is the pre-workout energizer?  It's a drink [...]

Virtual Races - Jost Running

[...] to do the Brave New Route 5k for May as a way to start building up my base milage for marathon training that will start the first week of June.  The registration process was super simple, and [...]

Chicago Marathon Training - Week One

[...] Training for the Chicago Marathon has begun! Here's my recap of week 1: Day 1 of marathon training was on the calendar. I was just getting over a sinus infection and I knew my body probably [...]

Tampa Bay Margarita Festival

[...] The Tampa Bay Margarita Festival is coming back to Curtis Hixon Park! I attended last year and had a great time (see my [...]

Spring Beer Fling Review

[...] Last year I had attended the Tampa Bay Margarita Festival and the Summer of Rum Festival, both put on by Big City Events. I had a great time at [...]

I'll Take A Margarita!

[...] I attended the Tampa Bay Margarita festival last year and had a blast. I attended with general admission tickets with my friend [...]

Training for Chicago

[...] The Chicago Marathon is taking place October 12, 2014. That still seems like a while away, but time seems to go [...]

Chicago, Ft Myers, Paris...Oh My!

[...] wasn't accepted. Where's the good luck then you ask? Well, the entry to the lottery for the Chicago Marathon opened right after the draw for New York took place. I figured I'd try my luck for Chicago. [...]

Chicago Marathon Training - Week One

[...] Training for the Chicago Marathon has begun! Here's my recap of week 1: Day 1 of marathon training was on the calendar. I was [...]

Spring Beer Fling Review

[...] . Next up....Margarita Festival May 24! *As a member of the Tampa Bay Bloggers I received 2 VIP tickets to Spring Beer Fling in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.  [...]

Tampa Bay Margarita Festival

[...] a cooling system -ENDLESS MARGARITASE -VIP bar with your own bartenders! There are only VIP tickets available so get yours now before they sell out. I honestly think this is the best way to [...]

I'll Take A Margarita!

[...] on August 16th. Hopefully I'll see you there! *As part of the Tampa Bay Bloggers I was given 2 VIP tickets to this event in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.  [...]

My Soxy Feet

[...] the pair she sent because they have cute little starfish on them. My first marathon was the Clearwater Marathon, put on by Florida road Races. The medal - a starfish.  The first time I tried the [...]

Training for Chicago

[...] upcoming full and half marathons in a few days and decided, why not? I registered for the Clearwater marathon 4 days before the race. I finished the marathon. And I did a lot better than expected. I [...]

?Key Phrases
Whole Foods Wines From Italy Class

[...] DOCG wine bottles then are sealed with a numbered governmental deal across the cap or cork. Tampa Bay Bloggers at Whole Foods We continued on tasting the various Italian wines. Each one of them had a [...]

Jersey Boys at the Straz

[...] hope you get to see this awesome show. You won't regret it! *As a member of the Tampa Bay Bloggers, I received two complimentary tickets for Jersey Boys in exchange for my [...]

Ghost the Musical

[...] stage.  For Ghost the Musical tour information click here. *As a member of the Tampa Bay Bloggers, I received two complimentary tickets for Ghost the musical in exchange for my review. [...]

Let's Get Rad!!! - Color Me Rad 5k

[...] . If you're interested in being at this race you have several options. First the Tampa Bay Bloggers are hosting a twitter Party on May 1st at 8pm EST.  There will be a chance to [...]

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